Another question for teachers!

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You may remember that several weeks ago I interviewd for a p/t job at a small, Catholic school.

Next week I go back for a peer interview. They have teams of 2 or 3 teachers who ask me questions. It takes about 30 min.

I asked the HR director if the questions were about instruction, classroom management etc. Her answer was “Yes”.

Are there any teachers out there who have been through this type of interview? If so, what would you want to know? —KCT
I have been through this type of interview, although not at a Catholic school. I teach first grade at a private academy. Before I was hired, I was interviewed by a team of teachers, who seemed especially interested in my views on classroom disicpline–to make sure I was in line with their philosophy. (my answer was that children need loving firmness, with consistency being the key to any method.) I also stressed that I make allowances for different learning styles in the classroom–I am able to do this because our class sizes are small–and that I stress reading as the most important academic skill a child will be expected to master in lower elementary. Teaching with manipulatives is very important where I teach, and the ability to vary the lesson plans. Also, it would not hurt to stress the fact that you have a great sense of humor–a trait that comes in handy when you are dealing with young ones! 🙂 Finally, I made sure I came across as infinitely patient–this is not much of a stretch, because I seem to get more so the older I get. The upcoming school year will be my fourth year teaching six-year-olds. I love it! I homeschooled my own, and it was the most gratifying experience of my life, which is why I decided to try teaching other people’s children. Hope this helps. The only thing that would make my job better would be for my school to be Catholic…God Bless and good luck!
I went through a panel interview for my current job of being a paraprofessional (teacher’s aid) and the teachers that interviewed me did seem mainly concerned with classroom discipline. They gave me a variety of hypothetical situations to see how I would handle them. They also seemed interested in finding a candidate who would give lots of praise and encouragement along with consistent discipline.

What grade level are you interested in teaching? I think that will make a big difference in the types of answers they are looking for.
The position is middle school.

The answers you all have given make alot of sense.
Thanks! —KCT
No, I haven’t, but I wish our principal would propose such an interview, esp. in middle school.
I had four teaching interviews in the past month. Turns out I didn’t need them, thanks be to God. That brings the number of times I’ve been interviewed as a teacher (just finishing up her tenth year) up to eight!

The main questions are usually about instruction, classroom management, and parent-teacher relationships. As far as how to answer the questions, I would say answer them honestly. I know we all need jobs, but if you give the answer you think they want, even if it isn’t who you truly are, you may end up in a school that is a bad match for you. Be yourself. Answer the questions honestly and from the heart. And if they ask you a question you’d never considered before, say that and then answer on the spot. You may be surprised at how much you know that you didn’t think you know.

Some of the ones I remember:
  • How do you assess student progress, and how do you communicate that to parents?
  • If we sat in on your class for 40 minutes, what would we see?
  • How do you motivate students to participate in your class and do their best work?
  • What is your familiarity with [specific instructional programs] and how would you use these in your classroom?
  • How do you determine what to teach in your classroom and when? (Your answer had better include the district curriculum!)
That’s all I can remember, except I know one school asked me about staff relationships and how I would foster them, and what I would do if a conflict occurs. Best of luck. I will certainly be praying for you!

Gertie (teaching first through fifth grade music at two schools next year!)
I did not have to interview with my peers, but this is my fifth year teaching, my first at a Catholic School. Some of the things I was asked in my interview (with my principal and AP) were about discipline, comfort level with teaching religion, and why I was looking for a job in Catholic Schools.

With discipline, the importance is consistency and structure- ESPECIALLY in middle school. I love my Catholic School, but was a bit unrealistic about what the job would be like. I assumed it would be exponentially better than public school- and it is, but it is still a school, the kids are still kids, and the parents are still parents. Take that for what you will 😃

Patience is key, and I don’t know if you’re new to teaching, but something I have learned (and most people I work with had to learn too) is that teaching is all about going home for the day, coming back the next morning and starting something all over again, no matter how much extra time/stress/preparation/creativity it takes if it didn’t work. Flexibility, flexibility, flexibility! Good luck!
If you think of it, say a quick prayer for me at 10am EST on Thursday. My peer interview!! —KCT
I think the peer interview went well. The 3 teachers were smiling, nodding and appearing to agree w/ things I said. (maybe they do that to everyone - who knows!)

Not sure how long before I hear something. —KCT
I think the peer interview went well. The 3 teachers were smiling, nodding and appearing to agree w/ things I said. (maybe they do that to everyone - who knows!)

Not sure how long before I hear something. —KCT
Hey, let us know how things turn out… your in my prayers:)

I have two sister in laws that are Catholic school teachers and they just love it:thumbsup:
I asked about discipline issues. One teacher said she’d been there 4 years and does not remember any fights in that time. The middle school teacher said the worst he has seen is some minor disrespect. I was flabbergasted (in a good way!). I knew they had high standards for discipline, but wow!
I asked about discipline issues. One teacher said she’d been there 4 years and does not remember any fights in that time. The middle school teacher said the worst he has seen is some minor disrespect. I was flabbergasted (in a good way!). I knew they had high standards for discipline, but wow!
Sounds a lot like the Catholic school my kids go to… they are pretty wonderful:)
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