Another reason why the church is right

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I wonder why they still push these things? It’s enslaving to women everywhere. Its almost as if “they” are saying “not having children is worth the risk of DYING (gasp)”.

Has anyone here been duped by their doctor? I know I was. When I was in highschool, not long ago, I was told that the pill was safe, that it liberates you ahem sexually, gives you freedom without fear…blah blah blah. I now know that was complete lies and hypocracy.

I was told the patch would help my medical problems, but after the first week when it burnt a hole through my skin, I decided that no artificial birth control was worth it. I want children and i won’t jeopardize my health or their’s just because I wanted to be selfish.

Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
Why is this any different than all the other medical treatments that are later found to have adverse affects? The church did not warn about the adverse physical effects mentioned in the article so the church has nothing to do with the “rightness” of the findings. The article fails to mention moral issues so I don’t know what rightness you are talking about.
Why is this any different than all the other medical treatments that are later found to have adverse affects? The church did not warn about the adverse physical effects mentioned in the article so the church has nothing to do with the “rightness” of the findings. The article fails to mention moral issues so I don’t know what rightness you are talking about.
I can totally see the point that we obey the Church’s stand on artificial birth control, we will be spared from many of the health’s problems assoiciated from using these drugs… health problems that often aren’t even discussed by the doctor’s prescribing them.

Good for you sarcophagus for being faithful! May you someday be blessed with all the children your heart desires! 🙂
The rightness I’m refering to is the fact that we as a church have been against birth control for moral reasons, however, society is pushing BC on us because that is what society is leaning towards, a childless society. The adverse affects mentioned only further the idea that BC is not God’s plan.

Thanks Carole Marie, the BC stance in one of the major issues that drew me to catholicism in the first place!!!
Contraception is an industry. If it will make lots of money, it is going to be pushed onto every poor girl that it can be…despite the oath doctor’s take to look after their patient’s best interests.
The adverse affects mentioned only further the idea that BC is not God’s plan.
So do you think Tylenol is not in god’s plan, or heart transplants, or estrogen treatments? They all have adverse effects…
So do you think Tylenol is not in god’s plan, or heart transplants, or estrogen treatments? They all have adverse effects…
They don’t prevent a new life from forming.
So do you think Tylenol is not in god’s plan, or heart transplants, or estrogen treatments? They all have adverse effects…
Medicines we take and surgeries we undergo are normally to correct something that is malfunctioning or that needs help to function properly. Fertility is perfectly normal, and “treating” it with contraceptives is like treating it like a disease.

Many contraceptives (the pill, IUD, Norplant, Depo-Provera) can actually be abortifacient when they fail to prevent conception. So, not only do they prevent the creation of new life, they can help destroy it. I wonder how many women know that? Based on women I’ve talked to, most don’t.
So do you think Tylenol is not in god’s plan, or heart transplants, or estrogen treatments? They all have adverse effects…
Just my two cents…but pregnancy is not an “illness” to be cured from, it’s a natural thing for the feminine gender and there are actually many health benefits of having children!
I don’t think we are against medical intervention, it’s just that pregnancy is often treated as a disease to avoid at all costs. Too often, these costs are censored by the medical community and as a result women suffer terribly. Why is it censored? I can’t say FOR SURE, but IMHO, it’s an agenda against women, often pushed by women unfortunately.

Yes, I was duped too, I blame the agenda I was exposed to in college, and the fact I had very little truth growing up. Thanks be to God my eyes were opened. I will do almost anything now to open the eyes of other women. I see a lot to be hopeful about, sarcophagus. 👍
Contraception is an industry. If it will make lots of money, it is going to be pushed onto every poor girl that it can be…despite the oath doctor’s take to look after their patient’s best interests.
That’s a good observation. It occurs to me that there are at least three major competing factions over how to generate revenues from sex, just within the medical community.

First there is contraception, then when that fails we have to competition between prenatal care, childbirth, etc and the abortion industries.

All the while the “mental health” industry stands by waiting to pick up the pieces and perhaps cause more of its own damage.

Suddenly it seems like a great number of decisions we make in life side us, first this way then that, with one or more commercial giant.

As far as “side effects” I have a little experience with this, having been on psychiatric medication for several years. In truth, there is really NO SUCH THING as “side” effects. There are simply known effects of the medicine or treatmentm procedure, choice but some are advertised in large print and others are listed in the fine print.


edit>> this is the system that our world and civilazation offer us – a world in which every imaginable need has been at least addressed by sales people if not (and more likely) exploited. The schools do nothing to help us make good decisions, but they’re pretty good at having us memorize dates of things that happened long ago – things that are irrelevant now becuase everything has been dumbed down and packaged for us, and no matter what choices we make there is someone who will stand up and cheer (or “egg”) us on. No matter what choices you make, you’re playing to somebody’s hands – which corrupts the whole concept of making good choices for oneself or especially for one’s holiness with God. Schools do not teach kids this skill which was relatively unneeded back when children were not raised quite as independently as their parents. These days society has something for them to watch from cradle to grave, enticing them to more commercials. Frank Zappa was right in his song “I’m the Slime.”
They don’t prevent a new life from forming.
Tylenol, or lack thereof, can actually catalyze a new life to be formed! There was a time whenever Julie had a headache that I’d offer her “active therapy.” 😃

She doesn’t get so many headaches now, so I just call it “active prayer.” :rolleyes:

I do have a bit of a problem, though, with joining in saying this product or substance or material is “a part of God’s plan” and the other isn’t. They are all part of God’s creation, whether humans fashioned it or not. Like at Mass we refer to the wine as “fruit of the vine and work of human hands,” whom can one thank for the wine – both God and human? Then we see that wine is abused by some people, so if we did not already have the context of using it for consecration could we not easily dismiss that the wine itself is “against” God’s plan?

It isn’t that the wine has been rendered evil in some cases but not others (whereas one could argue certain ABC has only nefarious value) but that it is a substance, neither good nor bad. Once at a hospital I “sortof” worked at in high school, there were some x-rays I made into slides for the pathologist who was working on a presentation on emergency medicine – let’s just say the bottle can be empty and still be used “against God’s plan.” I figure that same bottle could have been used to carry water to somebody who was thirsty, so it isn’t the bottle that was evil.

Maybe this stuff isn’t part of God’s plan, but it is a part of His creation and it’s hard for me to look around and parse which items are good and evil. The kingdom of heaving is like leaven that has been mixed through all the dough. I think of items and substances as having certain physical properties that may or may not be used for a purpose against God’s commandments.

Just another thought on the Tylenol idea… I can’t imagine a situation in which I’d forgo Tylenol or another medical treatment and be eternally grateful, or feel that forgoing it had brought innumerable blessings to my life.

However, after being convicted by a friend to actually follow my faith on this issue… let’s just say things have definitely gone very much according to GOD’S plan, not mine! :bigyikes: :rotfl: And virtually every day, I look in amazement at the children that would NOT have been, had I followed the world’s way instead of God’s, and I am so incredibly grateful they are here, and so incredibly grateful I chose to follow the church and God’s ways revealed through it, rather than my own ideas. And these children will be with me through all eternity, much moreso than a day without a headache.
I’m of the persuasion that if something isn’t right, God has a way of telling you it isn’t. Whether you listen or not is up to you. Sure, all drugs and treatments have side effects. Not all drugs/treatments are used solely for the prevention of a pregnancy. When I tried the patch, I was told the the chances of getting clots/strokes/heart problems was LOWER than that of the pill. Why all of a sudden do the manufacturers step up and say “well, actually that was wrong, the risk is higher”. Because God doesn’t want women to use it, it is his subtle way of saying no. The pill is an abortificient, not many women know that. I didn’t when I was taking it, and again, now they are saying, yes, it can be. Preventing a pregnancy is one thing, but killing your unborn child is another. I want no part of that.

While I believe most drug are for the benefit of human exsistance, ABC is not. It demoralizes society, demeans women, and makes an unborn child as scary as a tumor. All this talk about serious side effects, I believe, Is God’s way of saying “now do you believe what I was telling you?”.

Just my 2 cents…
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