I figure that I should introduce myself since this is my first post in this forum. I come from a strong fundamentalist church background. God, in his grace, has set me on a search for His Truth and His Church. I have been intensely exploring the doctrines of the Catholic Church, and in them I have found a lot of what I found to be lacking in my fundamentalist upbringing. Fundamentalist doctrines, however, have are still deeply ingrained within me. I am confident though that, despite myself, God will ultimately lead me to the Truth.
That being said, lets get down to business. I have been recently studying a lot about the Church’s claims to authority and Apostolic succession, most of which is seems to be scripturally based on Matthew 16:18, which I am still having problems with.
I am familiar with the *Petros* / *petra* distinction in the Greek (as well as their synonymous nature in the Koine), as well as the Aramaic *Kephas* / *kephas* argument for Jesus’ designation of Peter as the leader of the Church. I am also familiar that Jesus is usually referred to in the New Testament figuratively and metaphorically as *lithos* (Matt. 21:42, Mark 12:10, Acts 4:11, Rom. 9:33 among others). However, Jesus is also referred to as *petra* in Rom 9:33 and I Cor. 10:4. I realize that Jesus did give Simon the name Peter, but that notwithstanding, if we are to interpret the Bible in a uniform fashion, how can Peter be the “rock” mentioned in Matthew 16:18 if nowhere else in the Old or New Testament is there a record of an individual figuratively or metaphorically referred to as a “rock” other than God Himself?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.:)