Another Side of Catholicism

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I ran across this today. Mary Ann Collins has surely done her homework, and made her research available. She is able to speak from her personal knowledge and experience as she pursued the life of a nun, and later thoroughly researched the foundations of the system in which she had placed her trust and confidence—as do so many others still today. She presents here the evidence of the ‘other’ non-sanitized side of that system.

Another Side of Catholicism

Click on the “read the book” tab
Actually it shows someone who did not understand her faith even though she was a nun.

It is Protestant myths and misrepresentations about Catholicism repackaged and reflects a poor understanding of the Church, Scripture, and God.

We all need to pray for her that she comes to understand the Truth and return to the Church.
Actually it shows someone who did not understand her faith even though she was a nun.

It is Protestant myths and misrepresentations about Catholicism repackaged and reflects a poor understanding of the Church, Scripture, and God.

We all need to pray for her that she comes to understand the Truth and return to the Church.
Thomas, I’ve heard of speed-reading, but I find it hard to believe that you were able to find my post, peruse the book, and make any thoughtful evaluation of it in the 10 minutes between my post and yours. The truth is more important than your pre-conceived opinions. And you can never learn truth as long as you think you already know it all. You can only hide from the truth for a time; but, in the end it will judge you.
Thomas, I’ve heard of speed-reading, but I find it hard to believe that you were able to find my post, peruse the book, and make any thoughtful evaluation of it in the 10 minutes between my post and yours. The truth is more important than your pre-conceived opinions. And you can never learn truth as long as you think you already know it all. You can only hide from the truth for a time; but, in the end it will judge you.
I read your post, perused the book, including reading a number of chapters in their entirety, which was not difficulties having seen all these myths and misconceptions before. As I read meditatively as well, the Holy Spirit clearly pointed out the poor understanding the author had.

I seek the Truth always, and try to counter misrepresentations of the Truth so it does not lead others astray. I embrace the Truth.

Thank God that I will be judged by the Truth and Mercy, whose name is God.

Let us all pray that all people come to understand the Truth, embrace it whole-heartedly, acknowledge when they are in error, and always grow closer to God.

The Truth remains constant, but man’s understanding of the Truth grows over time. Many Protestants have difficulty understand this.

The Truth is also Objective, so everyone’s interpretations are not equally valid.
Mary Collins…isn’t she the one who claims to have been a nun but who in fact never was a nun?

dream wanderer
dream wanderer:
Mary Collins…isn’t she the one who claims to have been a nun but who in fact never was a nun?

dream wanderer
It wouldn’t be surprising considering he lack of understanding in much Church teachings.
Thomas, I’ve heard of speed-reading, but I find it hard to believe that you were able to find my post, peruse the book, and make any thoughtful evaluation of it in the 10 minutes between my post and yours. The truth is more important than your pre-conceived opinions. And you can never learn truth as long as you think you already know it all. You can only hide from the truth for a time; but, in the end it will judge you.
Anti-Catholic offerings are much like heresies: There are no new ones, just old ones that get repackaged and re-presented.

Perhaps if a new one comes along, it may take more time to absorb and analyse it, so that its evident error becomes clear. Meantime, same-old, same-old presents very little challange.


heber–What is your purpose in posting a link to a book criticizing the Catholic Church? This is a Catholic forum, but the forum is open to all, including non-Catholics and anti-Catholics, and it does not censor criticism of the Church. Are you really looking to learn about Catholicism? Do you have an open mind? I recognize that even if your answer to these questions is “NO” that you still have the right to participate in the forums.

I participate in these forums to learn about my faith, so it frustrates me to see so many threads hijacked by people who seem to take delight in mocking our faith. I see such activity as “spiritual terrorism”–analogous to how Al Qaeda capitalized on and exploited American freedoms and civil liberties and used our American way of life against us. I fear that those who engage in such behavior gain some pleasure from being disruptive. Though I also recognize that the Holy Spirit is working to make us strengthen our Catholic faith against attacks.
La Chiara:
heber–What is your purpose in posting a link to a book criticizing the Catholic Church? This is a Catholic forum, but the forum does not censor criticism of the Church. Are you looking to learn about Catholicism? Do you have an open mind? I sort of see such activity as “spiritual terrorism”–analogous to how Al Qaeda capitalized on and exploited American freedoms and civil liberties and used our American way of life against us. Correct me if I am wrong.
La Chiara:
heber–What is your purpose in posting a link to a book criticizing the Catholic Church? This is a Catholic forum, but the forum is open to all, including non-Catholics and anti-Catholics, and it does not censor criticism of the Church. Are you really looking to learn about Catholicism? Do you have an open mind? I recognize that even if your answer to these questions is “NO” that you still have the right to participate in the forums.

I participate in these forums to learn about my faith, so it frustrates me to see so many threads hijacked by people who seem to take delight in mocking our faith. I see such activity as “spiritual terrorism”–analogous to how Al Qaeda capitalized on and exploited American freedoms and civil liberties and used our American way of life against us. I fear that those who engage in such behavior gain some pleasure from being disruptive. Though I also recognize that the Holy Spirit is working to make us strengthen our Catholic faith against attacks.
No, La Chiara, I’m not looking to learn about catholicism. I grew up in it. However, I’ve found the truth of Christ to be much preferable, and simply wish to help you to see it a bit more clearly. This ‘apologetics’ forum is the proper forum for topics that are ‘controversial’. So, I guess your own question reverts back to you and becomes, “why are you on this forum if you are ‘terrorized’ by controversial discussion?” May God’s Holy Spirit lead you in the way of God’s Truth.
Don’t link us to other sites. Tell us in your own words what YOU believe and why.

Also remember many of us used to be Protestants. Tell us why your version of the truth about Christ is any different than any other version that we have heard and why we should give your version any more attention than any other.

dream wanderer

With all due respect, I only had to read one chapter in order to see straight through this piece of “scholarship.” Among the most asinine comments was the accusation that the Council of Trent added the Apocrypha (or Deuterocanonical books) to the canon; this when only a few paragraphs before the Council of Carthage had been described as “[describing] the books that had already been accepted as being authoritative Scripture.” If this author had truly “done her homework,” she would know that those two canons are THE SAME. I can see how T.A.Stobie replied so quickly because it took me less than two minutes to find this glaring error. If her whole work rises to the level of this abysmal scholarship, her book can be counted on to be a valuabe source of toilet paper for generations to come.
No, La Chiara, I’m not looking to learn about catholicism. I grew up in it. However, I’ve found the truth of Christ to be much preferable, and simply wish to help you to see it a bit more clearly. This ‘apologetics’ forum is the proper forum for topics that are ‘controversial’. So, I guess your own question reverts back to you and becomes, “why are you on this forum if you are ‘terrorized’ by controversial discussion?” May God’s Holy Spirit lead you in the way of God’s Truth.
I am absolutely not “terrorized by controversial discussion” as you claim. I am on these forums because I am a Catholic Christian, this is a Catholic forum, and I want to learn more about my faith. I don’t deny you the right to be here, but I frankly find little to be gained by people like you who trot out the same old arguments and whose purpose is to be negative to the Church I love. At least, you are honest enough to acknowledge (when confronted) that you are neither looking to learn about Catholicism nor have an open mind.

BTW, I have found the "truth of Christ: and “the way of God’s Truth” already–it is in the Catholic Church. I love my Catholic faith and I have no animosity towards you or to any other non-Catholic. But I sense anger or animosity on your part towards the Catholic Church. And that is sad. Indeed, I don’t understand why, if you are happy in your faith, you are unable to believe and accept that Catholics are happy in our faith. Peace.
No, La Chiara, I’m not looking to learn about catholicism. I grew up in it. However, I’ve found the truth of Christ to be much preferable, and simply wish to help you to see it a bit more clearly.
Try again, heber.

Leading your attack on the Catholic Church with Mary Ann Collins is weak.

Are you going to tell us that you NEVER heard the good news of Jesus Christ while you were a member?

Here is a Mass refresher for you.
From her contact page

“I welcome correspondence. However, I don’t do debating.

Chicken. 😛

Not only do I welcome correspondence, I welcome debating, when I have time, which is most of the time. :rolleyes:

Seen her stuff, she relies on the White / Svendsen / Webster / McCarthy material and arguments, watering them down considerably.

Example: chapter 2

“The Roman Catholic Church claims that the early Christians were all Roman Catholics and that (aside from the Orthodox Church) all Christians were Roman Catholics until the Protestant Reformation. It also claims that the Apostle Peter was the first Pope, ruling from Rome.”

Hello, it’s Catholic not Roman Catholic. We continue:

“But do these claims stand up to the test of history?”

Yes, they do, more or less. Next:

“There is historical evidence that the Roman Catholic Church began with Emperor Constantine. Many Protestants believe that, throughout Church history, there have been many true Christians who were not Catholics. They also believe that Peter was just one of the apostles.”

So the Roman Catholic Church began with Constantine. All right, what was the Church in 310 AD, 295 AD, how about 250 AD, and yes even 110 AD with St. Ignatius of Antioch, and keep going. 👍 Same visible Church.

Yes, many Protestants believe the Catholic Church began with Constantine, and they are wrong. :rolleyes:

And does she name any of these true Christians who were not Catholic? I doubt it.

She needs to pick JND Kelly Early Christian Doctrines, Jaroslav Pelikan The Christian Tradition, and Philip Hughes History of the General Councils or his History of the Church. Plus I wanna see interaction with the old (1913) and New Catholic Encyclopedia articles. And put her endnotes at the bottom of each chapter online. The way she did this is too difficult to look up her notes, putting all her notes on one page. Put them at the bottom of the chapters please. :o

Phil P
Mary Ann Collins was never a nun:

From her own website:

*I spent over two years as a postulant and a novice. This was a time of testing for the leaders of the convent, and for me, to decide whether or not I should make vows. My mother superior had some questions about my calling, and she and the leadership decided that I should not remain in the convent. I left the convent on good terms and have occasionally been in contact with the sisters since then. *

She has no more credibility than any other ex-Catholic protestant. If you want to engage and respond on specific issues then do so, otherwise stop trolling.
Forgive me, I am Baptist and haven’t been to RCIA / RCIC class yet (but I am signed up). I’ve already been through a lot of junk getting across the Tiber. Why do y’all call it the Tiber anyway?

Thank you bwv 1080: for pointing out something. That “Mary Ann Collins, A Former Catholic Nun” admits that she was “a postulant and a novice” and did not make her vows. Mary Collins own testimony seems to make one thing very clear: that she had an excellent and very wise mother superior. It really means that I don’t need to scrutinize everything to see what the truth is. But I did start to look into one of her claims and here are my thoughts.

Isaiah 22:22 says “I will place the key of the House of David on his shoulder; when he opens, no one shall shut, when he shuts, no one shall open.”

I suppose everybody posting here lives in an apartment or house with doors. We open and close the same doors. Some have locks and some do not. If it is your own home, you know that you must live with your own decisions.

Sometimes you feel like having a door open, and at other times perhaps you shut the door.

Chapter 2 of anothersideofcatholicism argues:
“There are infallible doctrinal declarations that contradict one another. Therefore, the doctrine of infallibility is not valid.”

In my home, if I open a door then later shut the same door, would somebody else come to me and demand that I give up the keys? Would it cease to be my house?

In like wise, the Pope is the vicar of Christ. He is the servant of servants. God love our good Pope who has such a tender heart for us all. And God love Pope John Paul (the first). I’m old enough to remember rejoicing in him (even though I wasn’t Catholic then). It even seemed to me that his body must have failed him because he was too full of love for the Church and for God.

I don’t know if infallible declarations were ever contradictory, but if they ever were I don’t see it as a problem – just go with the latest infallible declaration. It is the Pope’s moral obligation to lead the Church as we all follow God. Although God has not changed, our world has often changed drastically. Perhaps there too much of a burden on the Pope if he thinks he must be consistent to all infallible declarations over the 2,000 years. Sure, matters of faith are rock solid because God has not changed. But in my opinion, a Pope may reverse an infallible declaration regarding the Church’s relationship to man, society and governments. For example, most countries are no longer ruled by Kings such as in the Middle Ages.

Well, I see now also that the original link to anothersideofcatholicism includes a banned topic (Chapter 2).

I hope this thread becomes locked because much of the argument is sedevacantist.
No, La Chiara, I’m not looking to learn about catholicism. I grew up in it. However, I’ve found the truth of Christ to be much preferable, and simply wish to help you to see it a bit more clearly. …May God’s Holy Spirit lead you in the way of God’s Truth.
So…you are an ex-Catholic who is now an anti-Catholic out to show the rest of us “to see it a bit more clearly” “the truth of Christ,” (or at least your interpretation)? Seeing that you have to resort to a totally discredited source, I find that pathetic.Did you really think none of us could totally rip this bunk apart?

Nice try, heber. Try offering something more original next time, perhaps addressing what the Church really teaches. Too bad you abandoned your faith before you learned it. We will pray for you.
Forgive me, I am Baptist and haven’t been to RCIA / RCIC class yet (but I am signed up). I’ve already been through a lot of junk getting across the Tiber. Why do y’all call it the Tiber anyway?

Well, I see now also that the original link to anothersideofcatholicism includes a banned topic (Chapter 2).

I hope this thread becomes locked because much of the argument is sedevacantist.
Actually, I had never heard that expression “getting across the Tiber” but clearly it refers to the Tiber River that runs through Rome–the Vatican is on the other side of the Tiber from the center of Rome. If you haven’t been to Rome and the Vatican, you should. It is awesome and inspiring. I took my family for the close of the Holy Year in 2000. We spent 10 days in Rome, visited the major Catholic basilicas, and came back spiritually renewed and deeper in our Catholic faith.

I also did not note that Chapter 2 of the book (in the original post’s link) relates to sedevacantism. Not that I am surprised, given the original poster’s anti-Catholic agenda.
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