Another thread regarding the 'promise obsession' : Weird happenings

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I thought I’d get the opinion of others on this. While in the worst part of the obsession to make promises I sometimes ‘broke’ them because I felt that I didn’t need to keep such foolish and pointless promises. The thing is that many times, something like bad luck would happen afterwards. Here’s 4 of several examples.

I pointlessly promised I wouldn’t wear my new mascara to dance class. (for those who don’t know, mascara is make-up for eyelashes). I broke that promise and a day or two later I lost the mascara- it just vanished into thin air and I never saw it again.

While waiting to use a computer at the library I pointlessly promised I wouldn’t go on the computer. I broke that promise and went on the computer but the computer was very slow and the particular program I wanted to run (which always worked before) would not work.

I pontlessly promised to buy a shirt I didn’t want to buy- I broke that promise and brought a different shirt. A week later that I accidently destroyed the shirt while ironing.

I pointlessly promised not to meet my friend at the mall to see a movie. I broke that promise and I then missed my bus because I had looked at the wrong schedule and didn’t realize it. I tried to call my friend from a pay phone but the phone took all four of my quarters but it wouldn’t let me call.

What’s going on? Some might say ‘Oh it’s just coincidences’.
That’s too many coincidences for me. :confused:
Bad, or inconvenient, things happen frequently in life. Where I’m from, confusing bus schedules and money eating pay phones are the rule rather than the exception. Library and other public access computers are subjected to constant abuse and are often poorly maintained, make a maintainence request and find a differnt machine.

For the rest, well, based on what you’ve shared so far I’d be surprised if you wer not easily distracted right now. In watching my wife’s struggles with PTSD (rough childhood), when she’s having a hard time (her symptoms can include depression, anxiety, and OCD-sih behaviors) with a particular issue, she frequently forgets what she’s doing or misplaces things where it takes a while to find them. I’ve fished her keys out of the fridge, once found her wallet in my sock drawer, and her cell phone has turned up in all sorts of wierd spots. She’ll also get easily frustrated by little annoyances that have always been there but that she just didn’t notice when in a better mood.

Until you get this phase behind you (or under better control), be generous in chalking things up to just being distracted or previously unnoticed things that are always broken or slow. Address the broader issue and the little things should fade into the background again.
Have you spoken to a doctor about this? I’m no expert and I’m not going to give you a quack diagnosis, but I think its fair to point out that a condition called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder exists and that you have a few symptoms.

I’d get myself checked by a Catholic doctor and move on from there. Don’t be shy about it because he will not tell anyone (hippocratic oath). This is obviously harming your quality of life. OCD is treatable and doesn’t mean you’re nuts!

God Bless!
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