Answers please! Question about returning stolen items

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When I was 10-11 years old I was really stupid and for the duration of the school year, I took a bunch of books from the teacher’s library and haven’t returned them since. I’m almost 14 now however I do not go to that school anymore and I still have those books. I am planning to confess about these stolen items before I receive my first communion, but, after I confess what am I supposed to do with all of these items?? I know you either have to return them to their owner or donate them to charity if you are not able to find the owner BUT the thing is I know who the teacher who those books belonged to however I can not return them since I am only a minor and I do not go that school anymore and I solely rely on my parents. I have a brother who goes to the school I speak of but I am not sure if he is willing to give the books back or if he is even able to since were in a middle of a pandemic and they probably won’t accept the books or something. If I am not able to convince my brother to return the books or my parents to drop off the books to the office of that school, will it be just fine to instead donate them to charity??? My parents are always iffy about going anywhere and always have excuses to not go anywhere, so what happens if my parents dont let be donate these books AT ALL and I am stuck with these books forever now??? Will this not make my confession valid and will I be still in a state of mortal sin, because I am going to receive communion soon after I confess for the first time, and I don’t want to commit sacrilege!!!

ANOTHER QUESTION— what happens if I stole money from my parents when I was younger and used it to buy things at school??? I remember being around 10 and stealing money from my mom (It was $40!!!) for something at school. How the heck am I suppose to return or make up for that?! Again I am a minor so I can not make money to give my parents, I can use my collection of quarters I have but that’s essentially just giving back their own money??? I’m totally lost here!! I was thinking of maybe doing more acts of charity like giving my friends a lot of my stuff I value deeply as gifts. idk!! Any thoughts + answers?? For you information, it’s really hard to meet with a priest right now, since I am only a minor and my parents don’t even let me go to mass during these times because they are concerned for my health. They are only letting me go to RCIA classes for me getting ready for first communion + confirmation and that’s it!
Why don’t you have an “IRL” conversation with your parents, and tell them that these things are really distressing you?

It should not be too hard to drop off a few books at the front office… or even just mail them with an anonymous note.

Relaaaaaax. And make a good act of contrition, telling God you are sorry for offending Him… and then mention these things in confession. But chilllllll.
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I think you are finding a lot of excuses to not return the books. Return them to the school. Wrap them in paper or put them in a box with a note inside that offers an apology to taking the books and keeping them for so long. Get your parents to drive you to the school, or mail them. (If they can drive you to a charity shop, they can drive you to school.) I don’t think donating them to charity has the same intention as returning them to their owner, especially when you know who it is and where they are.

Just do it, you will have a much lighter heart. 🙂
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I was thinking of maybe doing more acts of charity like giving my friends a lot of my stuff I value deeply as gifts.
How is giving your stuff to your friends showing any repentance to your parents? Tell your parents what you did, and that you are sorry for it. Then offer to work off the amount doing whatever they want you to do around the house to help out, without grumbling.
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