Anthony’s Grief - Part One

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Anthony came to me last night in tears, the twins in his wife womb died and the surgeons had to remove them. These deaths brought grief.

Let us pray for Anthony and his family.

Next Tuesday, Anthony will be going for the first time reconciliation, this will bring us to the discussion of Part Two.

For now any advice.
I think having a special Mass said for the twins might bring healing to the family. Also, they might want to name the babies. I will pray for Anthony and his family.
That is so sad. I would only suggest that they seek out those who are going through or have gone through the loss of a child and especially the multiplied loss of both the children and the prospect of having twins. You might look at the following and decide if either might help your friend. I’d especially encourage them to find a group of people that they can get into the same room with. Every grief is unique, but paradoxically no one understands that better than someone whose grief is at least somewhat similar… and no one is as comforting as “someone with skin on.”
That is so sad. I would only suggest that they seek out those who are going through or have gone through the loss of a child and especially the multiplied loss of both the children and the prospect of having twins. You might look at the following and decide if either might help your friend. I’d especially encourage them to find a group of people that they can get into the same room with. Every grief is unique, but paradoxically no one understands that better than someone whose grief is at least somewhat similar… and no one is as comforting as “someone with skin on.”
Thank you!
As I watched Anthony crying in agony of the death of his children, I saw Christ crying over the loss of his children due to sin. I recognized the agony Christ has very time we lose Christ life within us. To Him it is as if we have died. The sorrows is so intense it shatters thought., but we can see a picture of that sorrow in Anthony’s agony.

Every time we go to confession, Christ rises us up from the dead. He restore the life we lost by sinning. How the angels must rejoice with all the saints, when just one person enters the confessional. They live again, thanks and praise be to God.

When we look at grief in this way we look at it as a family, seeing this event in hopes of the resurrection.

What sin does is harden our hearts. Remember St Paul and his words “We are a new creation in Christ”. He was referring to the Eucharist. How do we know this because a harden heart is like the egg in the women’s womb in which the sperm can not penetrate. Christ and His Eucharist can not penetrate us either and therefore the Eucharist can not make us, that new creation, St Paul is referring to in the above quote.

So how do we soften our harden hearts, by going to confession, then the Eucharist can penetrate our hearts and we become a new creation.

For this reason the church is known as the Bride of Christ and every wedding feast of the Lamb is an Annunciation. The priest through the Eucharist overshadows the bread and wine in the same words of the Holy Spirit as the Angel Gabriel, who by the power of God overshadowed the first bride. We then as that bride should respond in the words of the first bride, “Be it done unto me according to your word”. This is the power of the Eucharist to make us new creations in Christ.

So now we have the rest of the story.
I agree that seeking support from other bereaved parents can be very helpful. The group that I am involved with is called SHARE
They have support materials available, a newsletter you can subscribe to, as well as online message boards. Depending on where you live, there may be a local chapter support group.

Thanks for all help in Anthony’s Grief.

I hope we all respond as well to the grief of Christ. His grief in our loss of life in the Trinity is as devastating as Anthony’s grief. So go to confession to console Christ in His grief over your death.
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