Anthropology and isolated tribes

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Have any of you studied anthropology?
Then what do you think of this video?

Is this what happens if you isolate your tribe? I mean, does this really tell us something about our human nature?
People say it does.
You don’t become a Catholic in an isolated tribe it seems.
Isolated tribes never really mentions Jesus it seems but…some say there is evidence for some of those people (think about tribes in general) talking about a Messiah.
What do you experts say?
Thanks for sharing. Very interesting.

They have thrived for many years, but I imagine anthropoligists would love to study them just the same.
This is that tribe who just killed the Christian missionary who insisted on going out there in violation of the law and in so doing, got a bunch of people arrested, put the tribe at risk from his pathogens, and is now creating a headache for the government officials trying to recover his body.

From my perspective, a group of people who are this isolated with no outside genes coming in are eventually going to be wiped out by inbreeding, if nothing else. I reckon these folks would fall in the “invincibly ignorant” category when it comes to Christianity. They may well have some belief in God for all we know. They also likely have some rules or ethics for how to treat other members of the tribe.

Most people are not able to keep up this level of isolation for this long. If not for the government protections in place coupled with the remoteness of the area and the hostility of the tribe, their isolation would have ended long ago and the tribe probably wouldn’t exist any more either.
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Some seem to say that if we live isolated we will live according to what is natural for our human nature.
But if it is so then our society is wrong.
Is this true? What do you think?

And is this how Adam and Eve were after the fall? They are said to resemble the first humans. Your thoughts?

It seems to me that if the figure of a suffering Messiah is very natural to us then even an isolated culture should have some stories about him (although not like we have). Your thoughts?
For all we know, these people have some type of God or Messiah stories. We have no way of knowing because from what I’ve read, their language is not like the other indigenous peoples’ in the area so understanding is limited even when one can get close enough to them to try to communicate.

I’m not getting all this “natural for our human nature” stuff. The people live in a way sustainable for them using the skills they were taught by their forebears and adapting to the climate and living area they have. If we were forced to live on an isolated island we’d do the same.
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