Its not just the left media that is renewing anti-Catholic bias. Right-wing talk radio, which has muted its anti-Catholicsm in recent years, seems to have a renewed spate of it since the new Pope’s election.
Two separate local radio hosts hear in the past day have speculated on the Malachy prophecies and that the Pope could be the “anti-Chriat”. How the Pope was cozy with the UN and wants a one-world governemnt. Then Coast to Coast had a 2 hour special on it last night - though the anti-Catholic bias was muted it was definitely one of the sub-themes.
It didn’t help that some “traditional” Catholics called in saying the Church would apostocize and has started to already. .
Today on a show someoen mentioned the Church being against the war in Iraq and mentioned the suffering Catholics there and the host siad they are only Chriastan because of their family biut not really as they are not born again.
We could see a new rise of anti-Catholcism on the right too it seems.
Two separate local radio hosts hear in the past day have speculated on the Malachy prophecies and that the Pope could be the “anti-Chriat”. How the Pope was cozy with the UN and wants a one-world governemnt. Then Coast to Coast had a 2 hour special on it last night - though the anti-Catholic bias was muted it was definitely one of the sub-themes.
It didn’t help that some “traditional” Catholics called in saying the Church would apostocize and has started to already. .
Today on a show someoen mentioned the Church being against the war in Iraq and mentioned the suffering Catholics there and the host siad they are only Chriastan because of their family biut not really as they are not born again.
We could see a new rise of anti-Catholcism on the right too it seems.