Anti-christianity, or Anti-religion

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It seems to me that what masquerades as religious neutrality is actually anti-christianity. I will give a few examples, and maybe you all will come up with your own.

BCE and ACE- These are to replace the terms BC (before Christ) and AD (anno Domini) in everything. What exactly is the common era that BCE and ACE refer to? Is there any reasoning to this but to remove christianity.

Now I know there are some out there who would be genuinely offended by a religion they don’t believe being used everywhere they look. But I think these people simply do not realize how prevalent religion is . Even non-christian ones.

Let’s look at the days of the week

Monday- The Moon’s Day
Tuesday- Tew (norse god of war) day
Wednesday- Woden’s (norse god of wisdom) day
Thursday- Thor (norse god of thunder and storms) day
Friday- Frey’s (norse god of fertility) day
Saturday- Satur’s (another name for loki god of mischief) day
Sunday- The Sun’s day

Now how on earth could people not be offended by this.

Or these
January- Named after Januarius, roman god of doorways
March-name for mars, roman god of war
June- named for Juno, wife of jupiter
July- named for Julius Caeser, honored as a god
August- meaning blessed, named for Caeser Augustus, honored as a god

Now these are just a few things, but it seems no one is striving to get rid of them.

Any inconsistancies you all see, and what do you think.

A lone Raven
I am having trouble understanding your concept.

IMHO…my opinion…this is a trivial matter what the days of the week or the months of the year are called. Actually is reminds me how christianity pulled itself ahead of paganism. Just depends on how you look at it.

If you want to start a movement to get rid of the months of the year (remember now, it’s not just in the US…it’s worldwide)…you are free to have at it.
Julianna, I think what Corvidae is saying is that s/he doesn’t like how some individuals and organizations are substituting the terms BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era) in place of BC and AD.

Corvidae is arguing that Christianity is being unfairly singled out to have these terms changed. And as a comparison, s/he notes that the days of the week (which are based upon Norse mythology) and the months of the year (which are based on Roman mythology) are not being changed.

If you want to read more about the dispute here is a handy summary
When i’m on yahoo tormenting athiest and they mention the b.c.e. or c.e thing . I say does b.c.e = before Christ era or c.e =Christ era? and when they say no. I then ask well what event happened to turn b.c.e into c.e? they normaly go silent.
But anywho. in Australia the whole . b.c.e and c.e thing never caught on. schools t.v newspapers etc still use b.c and a.d I also notice a lot of BBC programs useing b.c and a.d as well. But then again Australia might be behind the times. I mean a catholic priest still goes to my childrens public school to gives scripture classes ( sometimes its a minister from a proestant religion normaly church of england). Just this week my daugther brought home her school’s newsletter. And one section had a Reminder or notice that the parents of all children wishing to recieve the sacrament of penance/reconciliation attentend a meeting on the 17th. HMMM maybe it isn’t too bad living in the past. we may be upside down. but God isn’t a “dirty” word… yet.
I think Christianity is being singled out.

It’s like society doesn’t want reminders of Christ.

Very sad.
It goes right along with the “Winter Holidays” many public schools have now instead of “Christmas Break/Holidays” 😦
Speaking about Christianity being singled out, a nun. Yes a nun, this is no joke, used B.C.E. in place of B.C. and C.E. in place of A.D during a seminar on the Gospel of Luke! And this was at our parish!! From a dissenting group of theologians (go figure). I wrote a complaint to the Rector about this!!! I criticized her seminar limb from limb on the commentary papers afterwards. Talk about political correctness. She even said that Christians who think divorced couples shouldn’t recieve communion are “hypocrites”. Not joking. This dissent is all too common.
This is all so not as important to me as how to pay my bills or if my tv show is gonna get pre-empted by political blathering

I dont care if Friday was to be found out as being named after Lucifer himself as long as it means its the start of my weekend. 😃
This is all so not as important to me as how to pay my bills or if my tv show is gonna get pre-empted by political blathering

I dont care if Friday was to be found out as being named after Lucifer himself as long as it means its the start of my weekend. 😃
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