Anti Rape Condom Unveiled

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A South African inventor has unveiled a new anti-rape female condom that hooks onto an attacker’s penis and aims to cut one of the highest rates of sexual assault in the world.

I’m all for it… any thoughts!
Wow. I can see where the concerns of additional violence toward the victim come from. I wonder if an attacker would just flee due to the pain or would commit further violence towards the woman. But I guess that would be a decision made by the woman choosing to wear the device.

It’s not really a condom though.

Rape is such an ugly crime. The most vile. I find no compassion for the rapists.
Wow. I can see where the concerns of additional violence toward the victim come from. I wonder if an attacker would just flee due to the pain or would commit further violence towards the woman. But I guess that would be a decision made by the woman choosing to wear the device.

It’s not really a condom though.

Rape is such an ugly crime. The most vile. I find no compassion for the rapists.
I guess I could see the concern for further violence, but I would think that the perpetrator would be in so much pain that they would be able to do further harm.
This only works if the woman is wearing it at the time of the rape. So basically a woman has to wear this thing constantly to protect herself. I wonder what the rates of infection are? (Like wearing a tampon too long.) And is there any chance that the woman could be injured while inserting or removing the device?

It is a horrible world. I hate to think of woman having to go around with this weapon on all the time!

Praying that the men of South Africa discover their consciences!!
I don’t really see how it prevents rape - other than a deterrant effect - which may be sufficient.

It just seems like a .357 slug in the chest would do a better job at preventing the rape from occurring in the first place - and might be a tad more humane too! 😃

Can you imagine the poor husband whose wife forgot to take it out!!!
Ouch! I have to ask the question… how did they test this device? …not for a million dollars… Ouch!

I don’t think I see anything wrong with it from a moral perspective. But in order for it to be effective in anyway other than as a deterrent, the rapist still has to be successful. By the time he has triggered the device, the rape has already occurred. Plus, there are multiple ways for rape to occur, and this only protects against one of them.
So what’s to keep the attacker from simply removing it before he does the evil? I Googled the device to get a visual of what we are talking about here, and it appears it would be easily seen.
I’m not trying to naysay this, since I think that SOMEONE needs to be addressing ways to stem the culture of rape in S.Africa, but my question is this: how much does this cost? Is this something one has to keep disposing of and rebuying, in order to prevent infection? If that’s the case, how are women living in poverty going to benefit? It seems that if a woman living in a high-crime/high-poverty area had to choose between this expense and food/medicine, she wouldn’t find it such a great deal. 🤷
Sorry to be gross here but vaginal rape is not the only type of rape there is. If it becomes common knowledge that women are wearing these devices, the rapist will either force her to remove it first or sodomize her.😦

There has to be a better way then this.
I wonder what the rates of infection are? (Like wearing a tampon too long.)
not the same thing actually - the problem with the super-absorbent tampons was related to Mg2+

it’s better to light a single candle than curse the darkness
It just seems like a .357 slug in the chest would do a better job at preventing the rape from occurring in the first place - and might be a tad more humane too! 😃
When it comes to rapists, the less humane, the better.
Doesn’t it seem better if the barbs were turned around to keep the man out?
it had been tested on a plastic male model but not yet on a live man.
Not for a million dollars! :eek:

While I applaud the efforts, I don’t know about the practicality. A woman would have to wear this every day (or all the time!) - would that increase risks of infection due to hygiene? I was concerned about an increase in violence - but it does sound like it’d be too painful. Unless it’s a family member retribution could come at another time. And if this become common place, then the vile act made be made in a different location. And what about distribution?

I hope and pray that rape ends. What an incredibly vile and violent act. :mad:
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