Anti-Uniatism by the Malankara Orthodox church

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Hey guys look at this anti “Uniate” paper released by the Malankara Orthodox church. I really don’t understand why but recently the Malankara Orthodox church has been lashing out against other Nasranis churches. They have been taking over Jacobite churches, often leading into tense drama. One of these churches was Piravom church, a church that 2500 Jacobite Family parishioners and 100 Malankara orthodox family parishioners.

In some churches,like Kothamangalam Cheriapally, a church that holds the tomb of Maphrian Yeldho Mar Baselios, there are only a mere 14 Orthodox families and still claim that they have the right to control Kothamangalam Cheriapally because of the Piravom Church Verdict which allows them to takeover Jacobite churches.
The Malankara Orthodox church has also lashed out against the Catholic church too. Many accuse the Syro Malabar church of disobeying the Coonan Cross Oath by joining Rome. It is a well-known fact that the Coonan Cross Oath was against the Jesuits and not the Catholic church in general. They also are known to defame Palliveetil Mar Chandy for joining the Catholic Church, but it is also well known that Mar Thoma I,his rival cousin and rival Metropolitan, was ordained illegitimately as it impossible for 12 priests to ordain a Metropolitan.

Many also lash out against the Syro-Malankara church for leaving the Malankara Orthodox Church. But it is also well known that Baselios Geevarghese wanted to join the Catholic church but did not because the court verdict was in their favor. So how can they make fun of Mar Ivanios and the newly formed Syro Malankara church?
it is also well known that Mar Thoma I,his rival cousin and rival Metropolitan, was ordained illegitimately as it impossible for 12 priests to ordain a Metropolitan.
I remember reading about that. Wouldn’t that invalidate Holy Orders of their communion? At least partially, or make them ambiguous?
So how can they make fun of Mar Ivanios and the newly formed Syro Malankara church?
Even name Christian supposedly came as an insult by Jews and Pagans. Syro Malankara Church is one of many proofs of how beautiful and great Catholic Church really is. I love Syro Malankara Church, and I think everyone should love Her! 🙂
. Wouldn’t that invalidate Holy Orders of their communion?
no, just for priests and bishops this non-bishop attempted to ordain (which is exactly why multiple bishops are generally present for an eptscipol consecration . . .
I would contrast this with the recent events in the Old Catholic Church, which do mean that the entire church will no longer have orders . . .
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