My husband and I have been foster parents and will soon be signing up again to become foster parents (we moved to a different state.) I should preface this with the fact that our intention was to adopt, not to foster parent and return, and that we both are people who strongly believe in personal responsibility and there is a difference between right and wrong and that hurting children always falls on the side of wrong. That being said, we have an innate tendency to dislike the actions of bio-parents who have reached a threshold which necessitated the removal of their children, and find it hard to separate the past actions of the bio-parents from their potential to be good parents in the future.
The foster care system itself stinks. The people we worked with, in general, were barely competent, from the social workers at the state to the people who transported our foster care baby to her visits. They intend to put the interests of the children first but our experience was that the children’s needs are put last and the state was innordinately lax in caring for our foster baby. It took 3 months to get her medicare card, 4 months to get reimbursed for her care, 2 months for anyone to come to our house to make sure we weren’t hurting her (obviously we weren’t, but other foster parents might not have been so dutiful), but… only a month of employment by ONE of her parents, 6 months of sobriety and 2 weeks of living together after 10 years of addiction, 11 other children by the one or the other of the two parents being taken away, 6 or 7 felonies and multiple instances of domestic violence including causing premature birth and strangulation between the two of them to put the baby and her brother back in their care.
We still want to be foster parents again. Why? Because we love children and it isn’t their fault that the state and their bio-parents are screwed up. If we can give them 1 month or 18 years of stability, it may be the best experience from which they can make decisions in the future. In our case, we gave an infant 7 months of care and love, and when she left us she had no attachment disorder and was a happy healthy person with an expectation that the world was a good place and that she was loved.