It’s just so bad!!
I wouldn’t necessarily want my kids to watch it unless they were old enough to use it as a lesson in virtue.
Allowing kids to watch it is a totally different issue. When and if I have children, I will do alot of things differently. But for now, hubby and I enjoy watching reality shows together. Suprisingly, we find that we learn alot.
I have to admit to becoming judgemental at times - I need to practice more charity!!
I think you have a good solution to that - judge the behavior right??
And I think we have to be careful about becoming scrupulous. If a person on a show does something terrible, I don’t see a problem with bluting out " you are so evil!". But I know that I don’t actually mean this. I don’t mean that back in their real life that they are evil and are going to Hell, lol.
Anyway - you know that Eric I guess is the least favorite houseguest according to the CBS poll? Surprising but you never know, he is a firefighter and there is something noble about that so we may be surprised!
Being a firefighter and a parent, he should be one of the favorites. Too bad he was sort of a bully in the house . I mean, what is with telling everyone that lights out is 11:30pm??? They are on a vacation, let them stay up all night if they want…geeez.
It’s on tonight and they will show who won the veto…
I am looking forward to it