any converts from Judaism?

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I have a dear friend who is Jewish. We recently started talking about religion, and she brought up points that I’ve heard but don’t really have a good answer to. Primarily: God is just one, not the trinity. And a close second: Jesus didn’t fulfil the prophesies that the Messiah will.

Do we have any former Jewish people here that have confronted these questions, and found answers? I would love to have an open, non-abrasive dialogue w/her about this, and would love some perspective from any of you w/advice. Thanks!


I have a dear friend who is Jewish. We recently started talking about religion, and she brought up points that I’ve heard but don’t really have a good answer to. Primarily: God is just one, not the trinity. And a close second: Jesus didn’t fulfil the prophesies that the Messiah will.

Do we have any former Jewish people here that have confronted these questions, and found answers? I would love to have an open, non-abrasive dialogue w/her about this, and would love some perspective from any of you w/advice. Thanks!

One thing I love in the Hebrew when listening to the Jewsih (Shemah) which is sung in thier liturgy (Hear oh Isreal the Lord thy God is one) in Hebrew it goes something like this (Shemah Israel Adonai, Eloheinu, Adonai Echad).

What I find really interesting about that Adonai and Eloheinu or both names for God in Hebrew. Right before they say “Echad” meaning “one” they sing God’s name three times! It’s right there and it goes under their nose!

I have a dear friend who is Jewish. We recently started talking about religion, and she brought up points that I’ve heard but don’t really have a good answer to. Primarily: God is just one, not the trinity. And a close second: Jesus didn’t fulfil the prophesies that the Messiah will.

Do we have any former Jewish people here that have confronted these questions, and found answers? I would love to have an open, non-abrasive dialogue w/her about this, and would love some perspective from any of you w/advice. Thanks!

Say “AMEN!” when someone says God is just one. The Holy Trinity is not the negation of one God. It’s one God (nature) and three persons. You might want to share Rosiland Moss’ tapes, available from Catholic Answers. As she’d say, “you cannot be more Jewish than to be Catholic”.

There are hints of the Trinity in the Old Testament:
Gen 1:26 Let US make man in OUR image. (hmmm)

Did your friend have a specific action that she expected the messiah to fulfill?
Say “AMEN!” when someone says God is just one. The Holy Trinity is not the negation of one God. It’s one God (nature) and three persons. You might want to share Rosiland Moss’ tapes, available from Catholic Answers. As she’d say, “you cannot be more Jewish than to be Catholic”.

There are hints of the Trinity in the Old Testament:
Gen 1:26 Let US make man in OUR image. (hmmm)

Did your friend have a specific action that she expected the messiah to fulfill?
IF I could recommend any post, it would have been yours. I was thinking about major detailed doctirnal differences. The story of Melchecidek and his sacrifice. (sorry about the spelling)
Please see:

For everything Jesus has fulfilled (ignore the other Protestant rantings on that website though)

Regarding the Trinity, the Trinity is Unity. God is one. Ask your Jewish friend why God would refer to Himself as “us” in the OT…


We get the word Trinity from the word Triune. Which means three in unity with each other. Three persons; one God in unity with itself (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). True Christians do not believe in three Gods, rather, we believe that God is three persons united (Triune Godhead). Here are some good tracts I have found which support the doctrine of the Trinity:, Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach) is the second person of the Trinity or the LOGOS (WORD OF GOD THE FATHER). Christ exemplifies His father’s love and in this He is the second person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit Eminates from God the Father and from Jesus. They are all three seperate beings and in them we are baptised (reborn) with grace.
Try Marty Barrack is a Jewish convert and his apostolate is dedicated to Jewish converts. Also, David Moss runs an organization called the Association of Hebrew Catholics.
Check out the book “Salvation is from the Jews”, but Roy Shoeman, it’s amazing. Your friend likely won’t convert after reading it, but she might soften her line about whether or not Jesus could have been the Messiah.

One important thing to remember is that much of the Messianic expectation has developed in the post-Second Temple period, so certain expectations (such as the rebuilding of the Temple) are non-sensical when put to the time of Jesus. Furthermore, I’ve heard a lot of different expectations depending on who I ask, so I’d have to know which ones she’s refering to specifically.
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