Any CUF members here?

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Catholics United for the Faith (CUF) was founded in 1968 to defend and advance the teachings of the Faith, in response both to Vatican II and also to the assault on Catholic teaching that began in the 1960’s. Karl Keating is on the Advisory Board. I have belonged for many years, but find myself frustrated at the current trend, as evidenced in their magazine LAYWITNESS. It is filled with articles that are solid in orthodox teaching. That’s great, but there’s no guidance, nor even encouragement, towards any kind of action by individuals or groups to make things better in Catholic parishes, schools, or diocesan organizations, many of which are far from orthodox. The impression I get is that the leaders are almost paranoid about not wanting to be identified with any individuals or groups that fight for change in the Church in a negative or destructive way; therefore they don’t encourage any kind of action by members for change at all. Years ago CUF would rate the good and the bad religion texts, for parents, teachers, or concerned parishioners. Today they won’t do anything like that. Every month they list activities that local chapters did; these activites present orthodox ideas for the handful of members, but I rarely see anything that might effect any parish council, diocesan newspaper, or local seminary. I often feel like the magazine makes readers well informed spectators.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not criticizing an organization where the staff themselves do many works for the Church, and puts out a magazine that is solidly orthodox. I’m only saying the magazine used to be orthodox and practical, now it’s just orthodox. I would appreciate anyone’s experiences with CUF in their local area. Is there some other ministry that enables member action for change in a positive way? Is CUF facilitating member action for change in ways I don’t know about?
A CUF chapter is only as good as it’s membership and leadership makes it. Some chapters go into dormancy because they lose focus, others do a bang-up job reaching out and becoming active in all areas of Church life. The chapter in Tucson, AZ is a good example:

I get the impression that sometime in the past, some segments of CUF got the reputation for being over-aggressive to the point of defying local ordinaries. As a result, they are looked upon warily in some quarters. I think the best solution is to start with the basics: build a good, organized, orthodox, faithful chapter and earn the confidence of local Church leaders by the fruits it bears.
I just got some mail from Catholics United For The Faith and was wondering whether they were orthodox or not.

Any more info?
Catholics United for the Faith (CUF) is an international lay apostolate, building on the only sure foundation for happiness and renewal of the family and society: the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church.

Founded by H. Lyman Stebbins in 1968 to support, defend, and advance the efforts of the teaching Church, CUF has helped tens of thousands of people discover and strengthen their Catholic faith.

Read their material and decide for yourself. Here is a link to their website:
I certainly agree that CUF is orthodox. I have belonged since the 1980’s, and it has always been faithful.
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