Any hockey fans on CAF?

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All Star game is a few away, any hockey fans on here? Would love to hear your team and talk a little about the game!
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I’m not a pro hockey fan. I root for the Red Wings 😀
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Yikes, sorry to hear about your Red Wings, rough season for you guys. And no I’m not a bandwagon Blues fan🤣
Red Wings were good for several years but had a change of ownership who doesn’t want to spend as much money. Looks like rebuilding for the next few seasons. Perhaps things will get better, or at least I hope it will.

Congrats on the Blues. They were great last season.
Thanks, I’m young but I’ve seen enough heartbreaking series, glad they finally won it. And yea Red Wings great franchise. Didn’t know they changed owners
Yeah, I love hockey. My favorite team is the Toronto Maple Leafs. Our best defenceman, Morgan Rielly, is out for 8 weeks due to a foot fracture. Our defence sucks even with him, but without him, things could really go sour. I hope they’re able to step up their game in his absence.
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I like hockey too.

I’ve been a fan of the Colorado Avalanche ever since 1999.
The second half of this season will be particularly interesting for the Nashville Predators. They have just acquired a new head coach, John Hynes.
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Avalanche fan here! I was so excited when the Nordics were sold to Colorado and we bought tickets immediately. The drive to Denver eventually wore us down so we no longer get tickets but watch TV every chance we get.

I was at the Red Wing games when both teams were so good and hated each other so much…some of the best hockey ever played! We absolutely loved to hate them!
It’s hard to hate them when they’re kind of pathetic now, though. If they and we ever get really good again though, watch out! 😱😱😱
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