Any Lay Carmelites in the group?

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Hello to everyone. Great to be joining all of you and am looking forward to some great postings.

I’m a member of the Servants of Mary and Joseph Lay Carmelite Community in Greenville, SC. Have been professed since 1999.
Would like to know where you are from and your community.
I am not a lay Carmelite, sorry. Furthermore, I don’t really know much at all about lay “professed” people. How does that work? Just curious. I feel very drawn to the contemplative life but also I feel drawn to married life. Maybe something like this is for me?!??!
Hello to everyone. Great to be joining all of you and am looking forward to some great postings.

I’m a member of the Servants of Mary and Joseph Lay Carmelite Community in Greenville, SC. Have been professed since 1999.
Would like to know where you are from and your community.
Member of the Lay Carmelite Community St. Josephs Parish,Grand Rapids MN. We are of the Darien Ill string.
I am enrolled in the Family of Mt. Caramel and I wear a brown scapular. I’m not third order yet, but someday I’d like to be. Maybe even professed, possibly.
I see there are some interested parties. Being a Lay Carmelite is being an actual member of the Carmelite Order. If you are really drawn to a contemplative life, it is something for you to look into. For me it has been the best of both worlds. I’m married and I’m also a part of a religious order that I’ve always loved.

It takes time and effort, but well worth it. Check with your local churches to see if there is a Community in your area. If not, I can tell you how to get in touch with the provencial to start a community.

Just joined the forum. I am a member of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCDS) in the Philippines on my second year of temporary promises. Still finding my way around here.
I am not myself, but my father is a professed lay Carmelite attached to the Port Tobacco Carmel in Southern Maryland, the first Carmelite convent founded in the US. He was privleged to be one of the members who carried the reliquary of St. Theresa of Liseaux when it came to America a few years ago. He teaches formation classes for third order aspirants.

Thanks for the info. So, a lay memeber of an order also makes vows like a cloistered religious; or something similiar? I don’t know of any lay/secular members of any order here in Houston. I guess I never heard of it so I never went looking. I guess I could do a web search for “Lay Carmelites in Houston” to see if there is a group here.

Thanks for the info. So, a lay memeber of an order also makes vows like a cloistered religious; or something similiar? I don’t know of any lay/secular members of any order here in Houston. I guess I never heard of it so I never went looking. I guess I could do a web search for “Lay Carmelites in Houston” to see if there is a group here.
Go to, that is the address for the sec’y of the Western Provincial Delegate, she will know how to help you contact a group in Houston, check it out you will be pleasently surprised what you find.
I am presently trying to discern if I might have a calling to join the lay Carmelites.
I’m in aspirancy for OCDS. It’s nice to see others from Carmel here.

Another excellent resource for info on Carmel is:

There, they define OCDS as "a member of the Secular Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint Teresa of Jesus as a practicing member of the Catholic Church who, under the protection of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and inspired by Saint Teresa of Jesus and Saint John o the Cross, makes the commitment to the Order to seek the face of God for the sake of the Church and the world."

I feel truly blessed to have heard a call to this spirituality, as the more I learn, the truer it speaks to my heart. I didn’t even know St. Theresa of Avila before I began my formation, and yet as I read her work, I am thrilled by the beauty of what she has written. It may be that my finding my grandmothers St. Therese (Little Flower) Chaplet and then doing both a 9 day and 24 day novena to her helped set things in motion for me. Next thing I knew, I was reading “Story of a Soul” and the rest is history!

God is truly a great God, and he knows how to bring us to our greatest joy!

Hello to everyone. Great to be joining all of you and am looking forward to some great postings.

I’m a member of the Servants of Mary and Joseph Lay Carmelite Community in Greenville, SC. Have been professed since 1999.
Would like to know where you are from and your community.
Hi, my name is Charles Shunk and I currently live in Sacramento California, where I am a member of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel and the Holy Mother St. Teresa of Jesus (whew, that took a while). My wife and I are moving to Greenville after I retire from my job, early next year, and I was wondering if there was a lay Carmelite order in the area. That is to say, I’m retiring early next year, I don’t know when we will be moving; could be a couple of years. I’m happy to find out that there is a group right there in Greenville. I would like to find out all about it. I’m looking forward to corresponence with you.
i think i have calling to be a Carmelite of some type. whether it’s to be an O. Carm or a Discalced Carmelite or a lay religious of either, i’m not sure yet, but i’m discerning.

i recently went to the Carmelite Seminar at St. Mary’s College. that was a great experience for me.
A good friend of mine is a lay Carmelite. However when I last spoke to her about it her group was going to “disband.”
I believe the lack of younger people professing is the cardinal reason. Very sad!
A good friend of mine is a lay Carmelite. However when I last spoke to her about it her group was going to “disband.”

I believe the lack of younger people professing is the cardinal reason. Very sad!
if her group is going to disband, try giving her these links so she can find another:

its important to let parishes and catholic schools know about secular institutes, as well as religious orders.
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