Any Oblates/Seculars Out There?

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I’m a Benedictine Oblate and also attend Augustinian secular meetings at my chruch (run by Augustinian Friars). Anybody else out there involved in oblate/secular/third orders? 😃

I am not yet an oblate, but plan on joining up sometime in the fall or early spring. Any suggestions?

What do you guys do? 😉

I am not yet an oblate, but plan on joining up sometime in the fall or early spring. Any suggestions?

What do you guys do? 😉
The oblates are Benedictines are are attached to a particular monastery or abbey. We meet regularly and study the Rule of Saint Benedict and how to apply it in our life as our situation permits. Most all Benedictine monasteries/abbeys also have retreat houses and offer retreats as part of their apostolate. I’m attached to Saint Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo, CA - a small male community in the desert north of Los Angeles. Not all communities are the same. This one is very traditional but there is a community of women near here who are way to New Age. Anyway, I really need this type of relationship as support for my faith.

The Augustine seculars meet at our church with one of our priests and pretty much do the same thing only studying the teachings of Augustine. Our parish is run by Augustinian friars.

There are many other seculars as well. I know the Franciscans have an organization and most Dominicans also have associates (as they are sometimes called), some Carmelites as well. I’m sure there are others.

Hope this helps. 😃
I am now going through the discernment process to become a Secular Franciscan. I love ST. Francis and St. Clare’s spirituality!

I have been so blessed by the Franciscans in my life beginning at my birth!

I am not yet an oblate, but plan on joining up sometime in the fall or early spring. Any suggestions?

What do you guys do? 😉
If you’re interested the Holy Family Institute is a Paulist Association that is the 1st Vatican approved group for married and widowed people. Members are fully consecrated (not 3 order) and their mission is bringing others to Christ using media while living “normal” lives with their families.
If interested in more info, let me know.
God bless
I’m in the Secular Franciscan Order. There are a number of us on this forum.

Crazy Internet Junkies Society
Carrier of the Angelic Sparkles Sprinkle Bag
As a child I attended the Oblates where they met in my town during the seventies and eighties, but since then they have moved. They were in Newburgh, NY at Our Lady of Hope. I do miss the fellowship and charisma of the masses. I’m still in touch with the priest who has since travelled the world as a missionary. He’s a truly gifted priest and his ministry is miraculous. check him out if you do a search: Fr. Richard McAlear’s Ministry of Hope and Healing.
If you’re interested the Holy Family Institute is a Paulist Association that is the 1st Vatican approved group for married and widowed people. Members are fully consecrated (not 3 order) and their mission is bringing others to Christ using media while living “normal” lives with their families.
If interested in more info, let me know.
God bless
Maggie, My husband and I just signed up to go to the Holy Family Institute Triduum next weekend. We got our information in the mail yesterday. We didn’t really know anything about it before we signed up. I got a postcard in the mail, and it said “free babysitting”. We have been wanting to go on a retreat or spiritual conference of some sort, but are usually hindered by money or babysitting problems. So this seemed perfect. Now that we are reading more about the Institute, it seems like a wonderful thing to be involved in. Depending on our experience at the Triduum, we are interested in signing on as postulants. Could you share a little more about your experiences with this Institute? I actually came on here today to find out if anyone here belonged to this and to get a little insight into it. Anything you could share would be very valuable to us. Thanks!
Maggie, My husband and I just signed up to go to the Holy Family Institute Triduum next weekend. We got our information in the mail yesterday. We didn’t really know anything about it before we signed up. I got a postcard in the mail, and it said “free babysitting”. We have been wanting to go on a retreat or spiritual conference of some sort, but are usually hindered by money or babysitting problems. So this seemed perfect. Now that we are reading more about the Institute, it seems like a wonderful thing to be involved in. Depending on our experience at the Triduum, we are interested in signing on as postulants. Could you share a little more about your experiences with this Institute? I actually came on here today to find out if anyone here belonged to this and to get a little insight into it. Anything you could share would be very valuable to us. Thanks!
I have only been a postulate since July. After looking into other orders I was surprised to receive an email concerning the institute. ( I’m still not sure where it came from.) When I began to read more about it I decided I needed to contact the institute about becoming a postulate. I sent a fax and a few days later I received materials welcoming me and providing the beginning of what I believe is my calling.
The wonderful thing about the institute is that we can belong within the context of our “normal” lives.
Have you been on the website? There is much information that I’m sure will be of benefit.
I wish I were able to attend next weekend, however other family commitments don’t allow me to. I am already looking forward to next year.
Please let me know how your weekend goes. I am so excited for you.
God bless,
Please let me know how your weekend goes. I am so excited for you.
God bless,
Thank you! I will definitely let you know how it goes. We are really looking forward to it. The idea of being able to be consecrated like a religious in the context of marriage just blows me away. I think my husband has always felt a little guilty that he didn’t pursue the priesthood. We now know why he wasn’t called to that, but I think he still feels that way sometimes. This new opportunity is exciting for us both. I think God really wanted us to go to this weekend. The postcard/invitation was buried in my mail basket. I wasn’t even planning on sorting through it the day I did. But something made me start sorting. Now I think it was the Holy Spirit prompting me. I almost threw the postcard away! I receive so many religious mailings, usually asking for donations, that the months I don’t have any extra money I just throw most of them out. It was on it’s way to the garbage can when something made me stop and open it. I sure am glad I did! Add to that the fact that the Triduum is held about 1 1/2 miles down the road from my house, and the institute, which I had never heard of before, is about 25 - 30 minutes away, and it looks pretty amazing all the way around. Maybe this is God’s answer to my prayers asking for guidance as to what He wants to use me for. I have been feeling God calling me to do something for Him, but I don’t know what it is. Maybe the institute is the beginning or will help me to fulfill what it is I’m supposed to do. I will be thinking about you the whole weekend. Just remember that even though you can’t be there physically, you will be there in my thoughts and in the prayers of the whole Pauline family!
If you go to the Holy See web site and in the search box type: Blessed James Alberione, you will be able to find out much about the Founder. Very interesting reading.
You are fortunate to live so close! We live about 1400 miles from the Institute. You will all be in my prayers and as you say, I will be with you in spirit.
I am just beginning with the Secular Discalced (Teresian) Carmelites and, if God wills it I will commence my formation in the New Year.
Cockney Clive:
I am just beginning with the Secular Discalced (Teresian) Carmelites and, if God wills it I will commence my formation in the New Year.
I really love the Carmelites but I really need a support group as I get with the Abbey. If I could find a Carlmelite group that was attached to a convent, that would be great. But I don’t think they operate that way. Please let me know if I’m incorrect in this. :confused:
I was told that if one dosen’t want to be a TOF, they can become what is called an Associate TOF? Is this true?
I am happy a secular Franciscan. Third order of St. Francis is divided into the Secular and the regular. Regulars are clergy that wanted to follow the life of St. Francis but belongs to either diocesan or other order.
I’m a Benedictine Oblate and also attend Augustinian secular meetings at my chruch (run by Augustinian Friars). Anybody else out there involved in oblate/secular/third orders? 😃
I’m a Benedictine Oblate of Saint Meinrad Archabbey (southern Indiana). I’m also a Benedictine confrater of St. Gregory’s Abbey in Three Rivers, Michigan.
I’m a Benedictine Oblate of Saint Meinrad Archabbey (southern Indiana). I’m also a Benedictine confrater of St. Gregory’s Abbey in Three Rivers, Michigan.
I know of St. Meinrad as I have family in Evansville, IN. I’d hoped to get over there when we visited last year, but we don’t get back often enough and just couldn’t do all we wanted. It is really a big place compared to St. Andrew’s which used to be Hidden Springs Farm. The monks there were originally in China until they Communists ran them out in 1951??? One monk, Brother Peter, is Chinese and instead of being booted out of the country, he was sent to prison for 25 years. He was finally released in the late 70’s or early 80’s (sorry I’m so bad on the dates) and was eventually reuinited with his community. He has written a book about the prison experience which is great to read when you think you’ve got problems. Talk about perspective! He works in the refectory now, making sure that everyone has enough water, coffee, etc…

Where is Three Rivers, MI? I have inlaws in Stevensville, MI east of Chicago (about an hour away - I guess Chicago is the nearest “city”). 😉
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