Any one read The Book Of Yahweh?

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Just found this web site on line.

It looks like a great translation.

Please let me know what you think…
What do I think? Based on this and other posts you have made I think you spend too much time looking at questionable and unorthodox religious material.

In all charity, if I were you I’d stick to responsible, solid Catholic teaching and leave the wild-eyed conspiracy theories and half-baked “scholarship” to the loonies.
What do I think? Based on this and other posts you have made I think you spend too much time looking at questionable and unorthodox religious material.

In all charity, if I were you I’d stick to responsible, solid Catholic teaching and leave the wild-eyed conspiracy theories and half-baked “scholarship” to the loonies.
What do I think? Based on this and other posts you have made I think you spend too much time looking at questionable and unorthodox religious material.

In all charity, if I were you I’d stick to responsible, solid Catholic teaching and leave the wild-eyed conspiracy theories and half-baked “scholarship” to the loonies.
👍 encore 🙂
Yisrayl Hawkins, the founder of the House of Yahweh Abilene, Texas, has built his movement on doctrinal themes which are not new to American religion. His theology is an eclectic blend of Sabbatarian, Sacred Name and Anglo-Israel teachings. His internal control over group members is classic authoritarian technique. Critical thinking or dissent is discouraged and controlled by queating rebellion against Hawkins as being rebellion against Yahweh. He represents himself as an end-time prophet who is spoken of in the Bible. He claims his work is the only true work on earth; that all other churches are part of Satan’s last days’ deception, and those seeking God or Yahweh and salvation can only find that salvation through The House of Yahweh. If a member leaves the group, they are leaving Yahweh and his salvation.
THE TWO WITNESSES Yisrayl Hawkins boldly claims that he and his late brother are prophesied in the Bible to be the two Witnesses whose ministry is set forth in Revelation Chapter 11:
“Yahweh Himself has given this inspired Testimony to Isayah 44:5, showing exactly ‘HOW’ His Prophesied TWO WITNESSES would obtain NAMES which were not given to them at birth!..The prophecy has come to pass! One of Yahweh’s Two Witnesses ‘LEGALLY GAVE HIMSELF’ the name of ‘Yisrayl’…this Prophesied ‘WAY’ in which Yahweh’s Two Witnesses would attain their Prophesied Name, is the most outstanding ‘SIGN’ Yahweh gives that these TWO MEN are HIS TWO WITNESSES!” (The Prophetic Word, 7 June 1991, p. 6).
AUTHORITY OF CHRIST Hawkins boasts that his organization was ordained of God. He claims that his credentials and authority are equal with those of Christ:
“Yahshua Messiah KNEW that He was sent, because He FULFILLED all the Scriptures concerning Himself. And The True Work of Yahweh: Established House of Yahweh - The Place of Yahweh has chosen to Establish His Name in These Last Days - has this SAME AUTHORITY, with the SAME CREDENTIAL.”
“Yes The House of Yahweh, Established in Abilene, Texas, is SPOKEN OF and WRITTEN ABOUT by the Prophets of Old! This Established House of Yahweh in These Last Days is doing the work that Yahshua Messiah and His Disciples - who were ‘SENT’ - did; the very same work! It is a Scriptural fact that unless Yahweh gives AUTHORITY to someone, by having SPOKEN ABOUT THEM THROUGH HIS HOLY SCRIPTURES, then that person is NOT SENT!” (What Yahweh’s Feasts Mean to You, pp.82-83).
“Yes, Yahweh now has ONLY ONE WORK under His ONE REMAINING WITNESS Yisrayl - His Prophesied Spokesman who will continue to perform all The Will of Yahweh…Just as Yahshua Messiah came as a ‘covenant to the people’ in These Last Days (Isayah 49:8)” (The Prophetic Word, 7 June 1991, p. 36).
THE ONLY MESSAGE OF SALVATION Hawkins joins other self-proclaimed Apostles and Prophets -i.e., Herbert Armstrong, Jim Jones and David Koresh - who were the sole proprietors of God’s only true salvation. Hawkins initiation ritual which bestows both salvation and admittance into the group, is water baptism. He teaches:
“BAPTISM - The third step one must then take is to be Baptized by the CHOSEN MINISTERS of YAHWEH, so you may receive The Holy Spirit:…Please notice that you can NOT obtain The Holy Spirit of YAHWEH from the preachers of this world!” (Why Aren’t Your Prayers Answered Today?, p. 20).
“The One Body of Messiah IS The House of Yahweh!..The Holy Scriptires say this…We are partakers with Yahshua - IF we are part of the Body of Messiah of the House of Yahweh. In Genesis 28:11-17, the Patriarch Yaaqob saw a vision of The House of Yahweh as the way to Yahweh’s Kingdom. The House of Yahweh IS THE GAT OF HEAVEN!”
“…IF we ‘separate’ form the One Body of Messiah: The House of Yahweh, then we succumb to Satan, then at that very moment we become worshipers of Satan…of if one LEAVES The Body - The only Prophesied, Established Work that Yahweh Himself has chosen, then that one does NOT partake, or is NO LONGER a partaker, with the rest of The body of Messiah - The House of Yahweh” (What Yahweh’s Feasts Mean to You, pp. 78, 87).
According to the House of Yahweh, a Christian sect, when Yasir Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin shook hands at the White House on Sept. 13, 1993, they began a seven-year tribulation that will end this Sept. 13 and bring about the end of the world.
“So, predictions of Y2K global ruin didn’t pan out. The good news for doomsayers is they have even more time to theorize about the real end of the world,” Los Angeles Times, Jan. 10, 2000
As with all false prophets it is the unfortunate followers that are being most decieved. We must always remember to pray for the lost souls in our society so that they may come to the full truth of Our Lords promise.

i am confused. i opened this thread and read it coz i never heard of this book before.

is it like a joke book or belong to some cult only and isn’t legitame.

asking because i’m new to all of this, thx.

He’s a member of “The House of Yahweh”, an anti-Catholic/anti-Christian cult. Look Here..
Pax vobiscum,
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