Any teen Latin Mass Goers or teens who have been to Rome?

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Are there any teens here who go to the Latin Mass or have been to Rome, Italy? Just seeing!:whistle:
It’s been a dream of mine to go to Rome, hopefully if I go to UD and do the Rome semester I’ll be able to!
I serve at the altar just about every Sunday. In fact, I just came back from a Missa Cantata. :yup: As to going to Rome, I’ve always wanted to visit the Vatican, though I really would like to go to France and visit all the cathedrals there.
Cool! I went to Rome this February and am going back again! We had a general audience with his Holiness the Pope and a tour of the Vatican. Out of all of Rome I fell in love with St. Peter’s Square. Being there was just an overwhelming experience. I think every Catholic has a part of the Eternal City in their heart waiting to be discovered. I hope that someday both of you will be able to go someday.

TLM Altar Boy-
Do you have Im? Or an email address? I have seen lots of your posts and thought we could chat some time. Its rare to find teens that go to the Latin Mass. Do you ever find that you have to convert Catholics to Catholism? You know like the ones that say they are Catholic yet don’t have any morals or stand up for what they believe in?
I’ve never attended a Latin Mass, but have been intrigued by the idea for a while now. How can you go about finding a church that offers one in your area?

The Traditional Latin Mass is Heaven on Earth, and you’ll love it if you ever decide to go. It might take a few times before you’ll be able to follow along in a missalette, though no one has to understand the language to appreciate the beauty.

I’m not sure where in Texas you live, but a list of all the approved Traditional Latin Masses can be found here. (NB: I would call the parish before you go as the information found on that website is not always up to date.)
Pro-life teen:
If you are thinking about going to UD, the TLM (FSSP)(the one I go to) is only about ten-fifteen minutes south on Loop 12.

Tradcat and TLM altar boy:
I’m also a TLM altar boy and teen, so I’d would be very interested in getting in contact with both of you.
Traditional Latin Mass is heaven on earth…
Well you can say that again!
I just recently began to attend the Latin Mass, and I absolutely love it. I feel like it really emphasizes that I am witnessing a true miracle.

I haven’t been to Rome, but I would love to.

(…and I must confess that I answered this thread even though I am no longer a teen… I had my 20th birthday about three months ago and keep forgetting that I’m supposed to act more mature now. :o )
TLM Altar Boy + Marines,
Thanks for the great website and info, I was able to find two Masses in my area. I can’t wait to go, I’ll keep you updated. Is there anything I should be aware of before I go, do women have to keep their heads covered or anything like that?
Thanks again!
TLM Altar Boy + Marines,
Thanks for the great website and info, I was able to find two Masses in my area. I can’t wait to go, I’ll keep you updated. Is there anything I should be aware of before I go, do women have to keep their heads covered or anything like that?
Thanks again!
Any time. 👍 Post your thoughts or Private Message me once you go!

As for your questions…

It’s customary for women to cover their heads, but not by any means required any more.

If you follow along in the missalette you shouldn’t have too much trouble. Also, just watch the people around you. I know at my parish there is always one family who sits up front and effectively leads the congregation in sitting/standing/kneeling. There are only two things I would point out:

  1. *]The Prayers at the Foot of the Altar (the beginning prayers when the servers kneel around the altar) are always said only by the servers and priest.
    *]Should you receive Communion, the Eucharist is given only on the tongue when kneeling. Also, the communicant does not say “Amen”.

    One more word of advice: be careful. More than one person has become addicted to the High Mass! 😃
I’d so love to go to Rome. ;.; I want to double major in Art History and Italian so I can go to Italy (and marry an Italian. Muwahaha.). By the way, Alter Boy, you’re so lucky to live in Charleston, Sc. ;-; I love visiting there.
By the way, Alter Boy, I LOVE Charleston, SC. ;.; You are so lucky to live there.
I know. :rotfl:

The next time you come back to Charleston (and I know you’ll be back 😉 ), consider yourself formally invited to Stella Maris parish! 👍
TLM Altar Boy:
I know. :rotfl:

The next time you come back to Charleston (and I know you’ll be back 😉 ), consider yourself formally invited to Stella Maris parish! 👍
Me and my family have been there before! ^-^ It was so lovely. It’s nice going to churches that really old. Most of the churches me and my family have attended were all built in like… the 60’s or 70’s. @_@
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