Any third order Carmelites here?

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I was just wondering if there are any third order Carmelites on the forums. I have just begun my aspirancy period, and I was hoping to hear from others who have gone through the process, or are discerning the vocation to the order.

I can think of at least two who post regularly, but I’m not one of them. 🙂
I was just wondering if there are any third order Carmelites on the forums. I have just begun my aspirancy period, and I was hoping to hear from others who have gone through the process, or are discerning the vocation to the order.

You may wish to clarify in which third order you are an aspirant…under the Carmelites of Ancient Observance [O. Carm.] or the Discalced Carmelites of the Teresian reform [O.C.D.]
I was just wondering if there are any third order Carmelites on the forums. I have just begun my aspirancy period, and I was hoping to hear from others who have gone through the process, or are discerning the vocation to the order.

In using the word “aspirancy” did you mean the Secular Discalced Third Order Carmelites?

I belong to the Third Order Lay Carmelites of the Ancient Observance.

Thankfully, there is more sharing between us now, such as retreats, an occasional convocation, visiting one another’s meetings, etc.

In Carmel,

You may wish to clarify in which third order you are an aspirant…under the Carmelites of Ancient Observance [O. Carm.] or the Discalced Carmelites of the Teresian reform [O.C.D.]
Yes, I should have been more specific, I am in formation with the Discaleced Carmelites.
I am looking into Third Order Of Discalced Carm elites, having just visited for the very first time. I responded so I can follow this thread.😉
I am looking into Third Order Of Discalced Carm elites, having just visited for the very first time. I responded so I can follow this thread.😉
Good! And how was your experience?

I have been very impressed with the people that I have met in formation so far. They seem very friendly and warm.
I will be finishing the aspirancy period with the Discalced Carmelites in the next two months. So far, I have enjoyed the formation. There are three other aspirants in my class.

Our community used to have a weekend retreat once a year and it was open to non-Carmelites and I have been on three of the retreats. That was where I found myself attracted to the Carmelites and by the third retreat I knew I was being called to explore formation with them.
Like Dorothy, I’m in the T.O.C., not O.C.D.S. Like she indicated, there is a good spirit of cooperation and togetherness between the two branches these days.

Welcome to the Carmelite family!
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