Dear kikiki32,
You’ve been given some good suggestions, and I’m about to suggest another way to begin Advent. I will be posting after I finish this reply, a new post on “True Devotion to Jesus through Mary” during Advent.
If you are unfamiliar with St. Louis de Montfort’s 33 Day preparation to consecrate oneself totally to Jesus through Mary, you may want to read today’s post and those which will follow, God willing, all through Advent.
Our Mother Mary was the first to experience the Coming of Jesus in the Flesh when He was conceived in her womb by the power of the Holy Spirit. Who better than Mary can help us to prepare to receive Him?
I’ve been posting from St. Louis de Montfort’s treatise on True Devotion, (you can read the online version of his little book
HERE) but since CAF ends this Dec. 31, I’m going to use the time left to post on the preparation and make the date for renewal or consecration for the first time on Dec. 31 which is not only New Year’s Eve but the vigil of the Feast of the Solemnity of Mary.
Perhaps you will find in this Preparation and Consecration not only a way to have a “meaningful Advent” but a more meaningful way to grow in holiness. Please let us pray for one another, for the Church and for all those in most need of God’s Mercy.