Any Vatican documents on Globalization?

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Hello, does anyone know of any Vatican documents or statements on globalization? In particular, I’m looking for something about corporations shutting down operations in one country to move to another which has cheaper labor.
Haven’t heard of any John, at least not in that particular frame of reference.
John, not sure if these links are helpful to get an idea of the general view of the Church?
Christianity and Globalization
The lack of a Church document exclusively devoted to globalization does not mean, however, that the Church has neglected the subject. In the past the social encyclicals dealt with universal social principles regarding economic activity. In recent times the first explicit treatment of globalization is contained in John Paul II’s 1991 encyclical, “Centesimus Annus.”
Globalization affects our daily lives, but at the same time its dynamics often remain difficult to understand, comments Bishop Crepaldi in the book’s opening chapter. For example, are economic inequalities between various countries and regions caused by globalization, or are they due to the poorer nations not entering sufficiently into the globalized world?
Encyclical Centesimus annus - Pope John Paul II’s
Today we are facing the so-called “globalization” of the economy, a phenomenon which is not to be dismissed, since it can create unusual opportunities for greater prosperity. There is a growing feeling, however, that this increasing internationalization of the economy ought to be accompanied by effective international agencies which will oversee and direct the economy to the common good, something that an individual State, even if it were the most powerful on earth, would not be in a position to do. In order to achieve this result, it is necessary that there be increased coordination among the more powerful countries, and that in international agencies the interests of the whole human family be equally represented. It is also necessary that in evaluating the consequences of their decisions, these agencies always give sufficient consideration to peoples and countries which have little weight in the international market, but which are burdened by the most acute and desperate needs, and are thus more dependent on support for their development. Much remains to be done in this area.
Michael, thanks. :clapping: You confirmed what I suspected, that there is no cohesive teaching yet.
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