Hey folks,
Long time no see. I actually was getting rather riled up leading up to the election and didn’t like being angry with my brothers and sisters in Christ so I asked to have this account anonymized but it never happened so, here I am, I guess.
Quick question for you: Are, or were, any of you younger permanent deacons? If not, do you know any? I’m a convert but I take my faith very seriously. Aside from my family, it’s the only thing I truly care about. My wife and I are looking to move so we have been visiting different parishes and trying to find the right one to raise our kids within. One thing that’s gotten me is I’ve been asked three times now if I’d consider becoming a deacon after meeting the priests. Each time I’ve said that some day I’d like to but I’m only 28. Two of the priests didn’t push the matter any further but another just told me that it’s a 5 year process anyway and so I should start if I’m willing.
How has it worked for you or those that you know who have done it? I’m fine dedicating my free-time to the deaconate and my life revolves around studying and the Church right now anyway, but I still work. I work an average of 46 hours a week, attend college full-time, travel for work 2-3 months a year, and I like to spend time with my family as often as I’m able. So that’s all that I could give: my free-time. The stuff that I’ve got left after all that + sleep. Do parishes find it acceptable for a deacon to be busy, or are they expected to dedicate all of their time to the deaconate? Or is it simply that must wait until retirement so that they can dedicate all of their time to it?
Let me know your thoughts. I’ve read the other couple threads that touch on this topic but I feel that my scenario and questions are somewhat dissimilar to those older, locked threads.
Long time no see. I actually was getting rather riled up leading up to the election and didn’t like being angry with my brothers and sisters in Christ so I asked to have this account anonymized but it never happened so, here I am, I guess.
Quick question for you: Are, or were, any of you younger permanent deacons? If not, do you know any? I’m a convert but I take my faith very seriously. Aside from my family, it’s the only thing I truly care about. My wife and I are looking to move so we have been visiting different parishes and trying to find the right one to raise our kids within. One thing that’s gotten me is I’ve been asked three times now if I’d consider becoming a deacon after meeting the priests. Each time I’ve said that some day I’d like to but I’m only 28. Two of the priests didn’t push the matter any further but another just told me that it’s a 5 year process anyway and so I should start if I’m willing.
How has it worked for you or those that you know who have done it? I’m fine dedicating my free-time to the deaconate and my life revolves around studying and the Church right now anyway, but I still work. I work an average of 46 hours a week, attend college full-time, travel for work 2-3 months a year, and I like to spend time with my family as often as I’m able. So that’s all that I could give: my free-time. The stuff that I’ve got left after all that + sleep. Do parishes find it acceptable for a deacon to be busy, or are they expected to dedicate all of their time to the deaconate? Or is it simply that must wait until retirement so that they can dedicate all of their time to it?
Let me know your thoughts. I’ve read the other couple threads that touch on this topic but I feel that my scenario and questions are somewhat dissimilar to those older, locked threads.