Anybody a fan of "Bible Illustrated" (Pencils and Prayer Ropes) on Youtube?

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Just discovered this guy’s channel. He makes illustrated humorous teaching videos from an Orthodox perspective, but seems friendly to Catholics. The first video I watched was on differences between Orthodox and Catholics and it poked gentle fun at both groups equally.

I am sure one could find stuff to nit pick about what is presented in the videos, but overall seems like a good effort and helpful and pleasant to watch. I am enjoying the vids and just wondered if anyone else had watched.

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Yes! I’ve watched a ton of his videos lately, and since I’m Eastern Catholic I really love his perspective on a lot of things. I think he’s great. He’s got a couple related channels also.
I can see where he has a couple that are maybe controversial - the Tridentine Mass one for example made me chuckle but some traditional Catholics were offended and a whole lot of people just plain did not get the jokes, probably because they don’t spend all day hanging around on Catholic internet forums.

Just watched the Tollhouses one and it’s the first coherent explanation of those that I’ve actually run across. I have tried to read explanations in the past and never understood them.
Tridentine Mass one for example
I haven’t seen that one yet, it’s in my queue. I’ve only recently started watching and I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. There were probably 20 that I watched in the last few weeks.

Even as an Eastern Catholic I never really got toll houses until I watched his video.
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