I’m not invested in them, but I am familiar with them.
The Ave Maria funds have been doing well, outperforming the NASDAQ index by a significant amount…
The possible financial pitfalls that Ave Maria faces is that they are a very small, only a few hundred million dollar fund group. If they grow rapidly, they will have to rapidly find more stocks to invest in. That could be a challenge to them, to continue to perform.
This segment, the “socially responsible” segment , has been around for a long time. Nothing exactly like Ave Maria, but the Washington Mutual fund has been around since the 1930s with a similar kind of policy (no tobacco, alcohol and gambling stocks) and they’ve been successful. No reason why Ave Maria can’t be successful in the long term as well.
Read the prospectus, and the annual report showing their holdings,before you buy. Remember you can lose money on any mutual fund purchase, no matter what their prior record is.