Anybody watch the new :Pope: A man of his word" movie?

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Anybody watch the new :Pope: A man of his word" movie?

I thought it was really good and has help me embrace the Catholic Church again.
Saw it today. It gives a better view of Francis than 30-second sound bites, but it leaves a lot out. There is nothing, for example, about him before he became pope. My favorite line was what he used to ask people in confession in Buenos Aires: “Do you play with your children?” Seemed really big on the family. It showed him answering a question about child abuse on a plane, and he gave a good answer. But his actions…just ask Chile. I’m unaware of any bishop that has been removed because he was complicit in shielding priests who were abusers. Why? He was also asked the standard question about why is there evil. He skirted the issue by talking about free will, etc. But of course that’s not the issue–the issue is natural disasters and sickness. He ignored that. It shows him on many of his trips, and he certainly seemed sincere, but you never saw him call out the powers that be. Very much the politician. Why? He’s not running for election. At times he shows an almost dangerous naivite: Islam, immigrants, etc. “They are people,” “We are all brothers,” etc. All very nice, but ignores certain realities. A lot of stuff about St. Francis, how St. Francis was a revolutionary, etc. but of course no follow up–how exactly is Pope Francis being a revolutionary?

So in sum, it was an interesting movie, but one that raised a lot more questions than it answered. And the movie didn’t seem to be well organized or edited. Maybe it just went over my head; I don’t know.
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So in sum, it was an interesting movie, but one that raised a lot more questions than it answered. And the movie didn’t seem to be well organized or edited. Maybe it just went over my head; I don’t know
Well I saw the movies way differently. Pope Francis challenges us to not ignore the poor or suffering. He firmly comes against the love of hoarding wealth and asks us all to become just a little more poorer. He made a bold proclamation against pedophiles and that they will no longer be tolerated , and must be wiped out completely.

Pope Francis also said we must protect our mother earth. I know Right Wing conservatives probably will leave the theater when he talks about this. But our blessed Pope is right, we need to take care of the planet God created.
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When didn’t we have a Pope like that? Gotta go back a few centuries, I would think. . .
I just saw it. While I would have preferred at least some biographical component, I understand that wasn’t the aim of the movie. Given what the intent of the movie was (a chance for Pope Francis to directly convey his priorities to the masses), I thought it was well-executed and did the job. It gave me a lot to ponder.

@christofirst, you asked in the prior, now-closed thread about the black-and-white St. Francis of Assisi segments. I think they filmed those specifically for this movie, as opposed to being from some old movie. In the credits at the end, they just gave the three actors’ names and made no reference to any other films.
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Thank you for the thorough, yet nuanced review. I’ve been debating with myself whether I should see it in theaters. The ads have seemed a bit… more like propaganda than a documentary, like they’re trying to convince us of the character of Pope Francis or something. I think I may save this one for Netflix.
Thank you for the thorough, yet nuanced review. I’ve been debating with myself whether I should see it in theaters. The ads have seemed a bit… more like propaganda than a documentary, like they’re trying to convince us of the character of Pope Francis or something. I think I may save this one for Netflix
Well its a Vatican approved movie. If anybody is a true Catholic shouldn’t you want see what the Pope is saying to the world?
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I know this is from mid-May, but I just saw this review and it does a great job of highlighting the films achievements and its significant shortcomings:

SDG Reviews ‘Pope Francis: A Man of His Word’

Interestingly, the old-style St. Francis footage was shot on a hand-cranked camera from the 1920s. That’s some dedication to film-making!
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