DH and I have been trying since last May to conceive our first child. After hearing over and over while I was a teenager “Don’t have unprotected sex! You’ll get pregnant immediately!” and “Use two types of birth control or else you’ll be pregnant!”, I was brainwashed into fully expecting that since we’d officially started trying (instead of “whatever happens”) I’d be pregnant by July. So much for that.
For me, it was more difficult in the first few months- we were excited, and so ready to start our family- we were using NFP to try and conceive, charting my cycle like mad, etc. It became such a disappointment to see my temperature plummet like clockwork every 27 days, that I stopped temping altogether and now just pay attention to cervical signs. We’ve sent up I don’t know how many prayers to God to bless us with a child, and I’ve asked as many saints as I could think of for help. I asked St. Therese for help in October- I received a few roses and know my plea was heard, but still no pregnancy. Since my job was terminated at the end of last month and our situation is a bit odd right now, we’re assuming that God wants to wait a little longer to give us a child. It’s not easy, though, especially as I watch my unmarried cousins pop out unplanned baby after baby. Sigh…at least they’re having them, and not aborting them. God bless them for that.
Coping emotionally? Right now I try not to think about it. Perhaps I’m lucky- between the job stress and Christmas and my in-laws, I’ve had my mind on other things. It was harder last summer- first my neighbor’s SIL announced her completely unplanned pregnancy, then my neighbor announced her pregnancy and immediately started telling me to “get pregnant now so we can have babies at the same time!” I spent a lot of time crying last summer and fall. I guess I’m kind of numb now.
God bless you. Believe me, I know how much this stinks.