Here is a link that talks about the Lay Consecrated, they are lay women of Regnum Christi, that have been called to take their role within the movement “a step further” so to speak, and have made promises of poverty, chastity and obdience. Regnum Christi is not an religious order in the Church, but rather a lay movement (there is a fancy term for this that escapes me at the moment) and is certainly recognized in the Church with the blessing of our Holy Father.
I have had spiritual guidance from a consecrated woman a few times this year, and I can tell you, it has helped me on my spiritual journey tremendously. What a gift to our Church!!
The Challange Club is a great apostolate. While my daughters are too young to be involved, I have seen beautiful fruits from our local group in many of my friends daughters.
My personal role in the movement, well, I am simply a lay memeber, a mother, working for the formation and salvation of my children, my husband, myself, and the world. RC has given me the guidance, tools, and channels to do this more effectively and zealously!
I wouldn’t say that there is ‘secrecy’ surrounding Regnum Christi. We don’t try to go out and bring people into the movement, because, one is really called to it by Christ. If you are interested in learning more, ask the Challenge Club leader for a few minutes to discuss it with you, she should be able to help.