Anyone Here Whose Diocese Is Involved With This?

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Eucharistic adoration for vocations is growing and spreading rapidly in this Year of the Eucharist.

After the Vatican learned about this particular effort, promoted in some dioceses in the United States, the Congregation for Catholic Education launched a similar worldwide initiative in January. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops immediately answered the Vatican’s call to spread adoration for vocations during the Year of the Eucharist.

To launch the U.S.-Canadian role in the Vatican’s year-long effort, the bishops’ conference held a day of Eucharistic adoration for vocations Jan. 12 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. It was the first time a special monstrance blessed by Pope John Paul II was used.

The monstrance was one of six the Pope blessed during his Nov. 24 general audience. They are designated for Eucharistic adoration for vocations for each major continent or geographical area around the world.

On Jan. 3, Father Edward Burns, executive director of the bishops’ Secretariat for Vocations and Priestly Formation, received the monstrance from Daniel Gonzales, national director of the website, and Legion of Christ Father Anthony Bannon, who was until recently North American territorial director of his religious order.

“We are so excited about this,” Father Burns said. “We are grateful for this opportunity to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into the harvest.”

From the shrine, the monstrance went to Chicago for adoration for vocations during the Serra International conference, held Jan. 14-16. Father Burns’ office will schedule the travels of the monstrance to cathedrals, parishes and college campuses. Requests should be made through the bishop’s office in each diocese.

“We are still in the process of contacting all the dioceses in North America,” Father Burns said. In fact, the Jan. 12 kickoff, during the middle of Vocation Awareness Week, came before the month the Vatican designated — February — as America’s official month of responsibility for this adoration.

The Serra USA Council and Serra International will help move the monstrance throughout the country. Father Burns said his office will post the schedule on the Internet at

“Our hope is, through this collaborative effort of the USCCB, Adoration for Vocations, and Serra International, we might combine our resources and really promote this Vatican project so that it may touch the lives of many, many young men and women who may be called to the priesthood or consecrated life,” Gonzales said.
Yes, thanks so much for posting about this…I just read an article by our Archbishop, J. Fiorenza, that stated he asked the Office of Vocations to undertake an archdiocesan effort called “A Campaign for Vocations”. It is supposed to include all local Catholic parishes, schools, & organizations.

Hopefully a nationwide effort will bring some change to the current state of affairs with vocations.

Our local parish is blessed to have a Eucharistic Adoration chapel that is available 24 hours a day. Here is a picture of what it looks like inside…🙂 M
There are about 35 parishes in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis that offer Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to their parishioners.

There would be more but it takes a rather large parish to make the commitment as it requires something like 400 or 500 parishioners to fully staff (allowing for illness, vacations, etc.) an adoration chapel.

Other, smaller, parishes offer Adoration for limited periods.

This Summer we will be ordaining 15 men as priests for the Archdiocese. This is the most since the 1950s.
We also have NO Eucharist Adoration 😦

It seems no one in our parish would like to spend an hour with our Lord, excepting the Mass.
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