Anyone know any good philosophy books on communication

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Any books in line with the Catholic faith, meaning to avoid false modern philosophy ideals and whatnot. I’m trying to form myself to be speak to others better.
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That’s a rather huge question.

Perhaps just start with the CCC’s notion of what communication is first?

with - unity…
What is unity?
Three In One?
Oral Tradition?
Transmission of the Faith?
Written Tradition?
The development of language over the past 2000+ years?

The list goes on…

HTH provide some food for thought…
no modernist philosophy.
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Just one other thing…

There’s nothing like the present moment…

Going cross-eyed over a bunch of “Thy’s” and “Thou arts”… is like… why?

No one uses those old idioms anymore. So it would sound pretty strange if henceforth and prithee I started speagking thus to thou in answer to thine selfsame question… to speaketh a fairer judgement unto thee by race wouldst not I best forego to speak in the vulgar tongue?

Or I could just talk to you like a normal human being, who’s actually still alive and breathing…

That’s not to say there isn’t value in dead languages, as there is…

But you need o discern what you want to learn by language and communication… in a modern sense, computers communicate very effectively using modern languages… so, if you’re not a rationalist, you might want to throw your computer out the window… ; )

So what do you mean by a “modernist philosophy” with respect to communication in the Catholic Church?

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So what do you mean by a “modernist philosophy” with respect to communication in the Catholic Church?
There are a lot of false teachings among the modern philosophers, so I want to avoid them.
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