While off-topic, as a technical note, video urls can be sent two ways - with or without time stamps.
Timestamped URL’s look like this without the spaces (I had to use the spaces to keep it from posting the actual target of the link):
http s : / / youtu . be / FP3oeLfP-Sg ? t=180
In any urls, everything past the “?” is called the “query string”. It’s comprised of variables, values and separators. On YouTube, the “t” is for time, and 180 is the number of seconds. If there were other variables, then “&” would be used to separate each variable=value set.
In any case, if you want a video link to start from the top, you could just delete everything from the ? to the right end.
Another way to get the link would be to right click the video itself, and you’ll see it offers different options to copy the url. One from the beginning, and another from the current time position.