BTW Who’se to say my source didn’t hear what he heard. He read from a book. That book could be reliable or not. Maybe Whosebob based his observations of orthodoxy of the friars on inadequate understanding of orthodox teaching. If I didn’t know him; how could I tell? It’s just something to keep an eye out for.
Foolishmortal, I will keep you in my prayers as you discern God’s call, and I am quite sympathetic to your concerns about orthodoxy. That was a major concern for me as I began to discern a call to religious life and to search out a community with and in which to pray and work.
My personal “understanding of orthodox teaching” is based on what I’ve read, watched, and heard, and on my communication with Our Lord in prayer (particularly in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament); my principal printed sources are the Holy Bible (my preferred translation is the RSV-CE), the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Roman Catechism, the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia, books from TAN, books from Ignatius Press, books from Scepter Publishers and the Midwest Theological Forum (both connected to Opus Dei), books by the late Fr. John Hardon, S.J., reprints of the 1962 (or older) Roman Missal, a Latin-English edition of the modern Roman Rite, the modern Divine Office, a reprint of a 1950s English-translation of Denzinger, the most recent English language edition of the text known as “Neuner-Dupuis” (watch out for problematic commentary in that one!), The Liturgical Year series by the late Dom Gueranger (re-print by Loreto Publications), and two shelves full of out-of-print books which were recommended to me by orthodox Catholic priests and laity, e.g. an early 20th Century English-translation of the famous Practice of Perfection and the Christian Virtues by the late Alphonsus Rodriguez, S.J. (first published in the the early 17th Century). I watch EWTN, but not as much as I used to (not enough hours in the day), and I also listen to EWTN Radio and other materials from St. Joseph Communications, Catholic Answers, etc.
Again, concerning the CFRs, the best way to check into them would be (1) to call up their vocations director, Fr. Luke Mary Fletcher – just tell him your concerns, but be prepared to listen carefully to his response; (2) go visit them for a few days, though 1 week+ would be best to really get a feel for who they are and to what they’re committed.
May Our Lord bless you and keep you.
In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
P.S. I am hoping to become an aspirant with the
Missionaries of the Poor as soon as it becomes possible for me to do so. I lived, prayed, and worked with them in Jamaica for over 2 months in the Summer of '05, and in January '06 made up my mind to definitively pursue a vocation as an MOP Brother (perhaps one day a priest). The MOP are not Franciscan, but you might want to take a look at their website and at the following video-clips on YouTube:
Called By God,
Unto The Least. (Somebody uploaded those clips last month, and I learned of them through two posts made by another user in this Vocations forum.) Please pray for me that I can continue to move forward along the path that will enable me, hopefully soon, to realize God’s call for me to enter religious life.