Anyone like Downton Abbey?

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I have just started watching episodes of the British period drama Downton Abbey, having received the full box set as a gift.

I have really been enjoying it.

Anyone else enjoyed this series?

God Bless.

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I didn’t care for the movie that much. I don’t think I would enjoy the PBS series.
It’s actually an ITV series broadcast on PBS in the US, but that’s splitting hairs 😜

I love the series but was left indifferent by the film. It had a made-for-TV quality to it IMO. That said, I would still see a second film in the theater if they make one. Given the box office success of the first film, chances are probably decent that there will be another.
I saw the whole thing over its six seasons, and the 2019 film.adaptation.

Loved all of it.

Methinks some folks expected too much from the film. It in no way could match a six-years’ TV show for plot and narrative, but it was beautifully done.

Should there be a film sequel, God willing, I’ll see it.

Yes, I liked the series a great deal and I found the film enjoyable, too.
I own the boxed set, but haven’t finished watching it yet. But so far, I really enjoy it!
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