Anyone out there with Gift of Healing?

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Hey, I’m just wondering if anyone out there has the gift of healing. I think I may have asked a similiar question like this before, but I don’t think it was as straightforward as this. I’m having really bad health problems, both physical and mental, and although I have sought professional care, the problems are only getting worse. I have already sent letters to Fr. DiOrio and Sr. Briege McKenna, but I couldn’t talk with them personally, and I’m too far away to even meet them in person. I’ve gone to charismatic healing masses, but after they prayed over me my conditions didn’t approve. I’m getting really desperate, and I’m afraid for myself. I just need a miracle cure really badly, since the medical professionals haven’t helped me :nope:

So, I would really appreciate it, if you have the Gift of Healing, to perhaps contact me via pm and then perhaps pray for my healing. I don’t know anyone around here where I live who knows that he or she has the gift of healing, and even though I pray to God for aid, it seems like there’s no relent. I just wish this would end now or that I die.

Dear friend

You remain in my prayers. Never stop praying and never stop hoping in Christ Jesus.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I’m so sorry for your pain. I, too, suffer with chronic and ongoing health problems.

I hope you are offering your pain to God as it will have much merit for the salvation of souls. Here is one of my favorite prayers:

O my Lord Jesus Christ, I lift up my heart to You in my suffering and ask for Your comforting help. I know that you would withhold the thorns of this life if I could attain eternal life without them. And so I commend myself to Your loving mercy, accepting this suffering in Your Name. Grant me the grace to bear it and to offer it in union with Your sufferings. Regardless of the suffering that may come my way, let me trust in You always, for You are my Lord, my God and my All.

Something else that has really helped me is reading the lives of the saints, especially those who suffered. There is also a book by a man named John Downs, who suffered with quadriplegia for almost 40 years and he shares all he learned about suffering. You can find it at:

I know Father Groeschel also wrote a book after his car accident called something like “There Are No Accidents” that is available at

In the meantime, I will pray for you as I do for all who have chronic illness, and pray that if you are meant to be healed that God will lead you to where you need to be.
Thanks everyone for your prayers!

Now, let’s see if this post takes me away from post #666 and to post #667.
hi there,
I just wanted to say that you are not alone… I don’t know what mental illness you suffer from or the exact problems you are having bodily, but, as I posted in another thread I suffer from severe depression and have a host of health problems too.

The thing to remember is that the prayers of others on your behalf are good and you should continue asking and looking for spiritual help. It is normal to feel scared and fearful in your position…just make sure to surround yourself with supportive people and that when you pray to God to help you trust in his Will.

I have seen Father D’Orio mentioned before and I went to one of his healing masses 3 years back that lasted approximately 4 hours and that I had to buy a ticket to go in (that should have been enough of a red flag right there to begin with). I have to say that my experience was not good with him at all and alot of the things I saw made me very angry.

One thing that made me want to run for the door was when ppl were coming up to kiss the Cross Father D’Orio was carrying one by one… As soon as I got close to him I felt something very ‘evil’ and when he looked at me I felt a cold chill that I will never forget, as if he didn’t want me there. If someone is truly with God, you will have the feeling of peace come from him/her… this was not my feeling with him at all.

I felt I was taking part in a Protestant healing service (like you see on TV) and some of the people looking for healing just seemed to be so rehearsed in their words(God forgive me for saying this).

I saw so much pushing to buy Father D’Orio’s books and a host of other things…but, when I saw he was selling “blessed oil” that was the final red flag warning that made me leave QUICKLY…

It is wise when the bible teaches that by its fruits you will know when something is from God or not.

Anyway, I just felt impelled to write of my experience at one of Father D’Orio’s healing masses. Perhaps others may disagree with me…

I hope Madaglan that you keep strong and know that you should never give up in looking for healing…sometimes the journey (disappointments and all) can take you to places you never imagined.

God bless and you are in my prayers 😃 😃
Hi Madaglan

I think I have a few suggestions. You can give them consideration and then either forget them or put them in practice.

I certainly can relate to health problems since in the early part of last year I was diagnosed with lung cancer. In March of last year I lost a third of my right lung and went through 7 weeks of radiation therapy.

I also went through much prayer. My Radiation Oncologist told me about studies that had been carried out, real honest medical studies on the results of prayer where cancer is involved. These were clinical, double blind studies, much like the one I have been involved with, where I was using an experimental drug. In this case, prayer was used. All of the participants had the same kind of cancer in the same stage. Half received prayer for healing, half did not. No one knew what group they were in. At the end of the study, the ones receiving prayer were way out ahead of the ones who didn’t. According to my doctor, the folks receiving prayer had as good and even better results than those on chemo.

This only confirms what I have learned over the years in the Charismatic Renewal. I have been at a few healing services with Fr. DiOrio. I saw miracles that happened right in front of my eyes. Profound miracles. I saw folks get up out of wheel chairs and a guy deaf from childhood regain his hearing.

I have seen miracles of healing with Fr Steven Barham, and many other folks with the gift of healing. Not just Priests or Religious by the way. I have seen healings of serious illnesses by people receiving Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.

Here is the thing you must remember. No person is a healer, they only pray for healings. Jesus is the healer. Don’t go looking for folks with the gift of healing because you are looking in the wrong place. Even the Blessed Mother is reported as saying when a seer asked her to heal one of the faithful, “I cannot heal anyone, I do not have that power, I can only pray as you can pray that my Son heal this person”. What humility!

I suggest you go to SCRC website,
This is a very committed Charismatic Prayer groups, with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. They receive prayer requests there and do offer your prayers up at Mass.

I go to the Conference with SCRC almost every year and have seen great miracles occure there.

You are definately in my prayers and would appreciate it if you keep me in yours. I have seen many folks healed during a period when they were deeply in prayer for others.
You can try Lifesong ( Lorraine has the gift of healing and works under the authority of the Bishop of the Diocese of Portland, Maine. She is 100% Catholic. She does not believe in Charismatic Healers. I saw her perform several miracles while I was at one of her healing services. She prays “In the Name of Jesus”.

She actually has the ability to grow limbs and regenerate organs. There were several lame people that were there the day I was there. I actually saw their legs grow. It was truly amazing. I never saw anything like it. If I did not see it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it. I would have believed that a limb would grow overnight, but not in a few seconds which is exactly what I saw.

Anyway her prayers are really powerful. There is a place to put in prayer requests at her website. She does not believe in crystals or anything new agey.

When I met with her, I could really feel that her spirituality was real. She was a nun. I think now she is a religious prayer hermit.
I may come across as a bit “negative” when it comes to healers, but, not because I don’t believe that God gives the ability to heal to whom he chooses… but, because most are not authentic healers.

Does this mean that anyone should not “check out” healers to see if they are authentic or not… of course not… I think personal experience in these matters is important. How can you know if something is true or false if you don’t check, right?

When it comes to Lorraine… “the prayer Hermit”… I had contacted her about a year ago for her to pray for me, since she is located too far away from me. She has healing masses just about every weekend, but, then something changed…

She now changed her policy and charges $25.00 per person in order to enter her healing masses (I know this because I am on her mailing list).

This to me is a ‘negative’. I don’t think anyone who is given by God the power to heal should charge money or be accepting large sums of money for donations. It just doesn’t seem right. Plus, many of her followers have given her alot of money towards purchasing land and other things to further her healing ministry.

Why does anyone with a gift of healing from God needs to charge money or land ? I don’t think God has a service fee when it comes to healing…

I may seem harsh in my views on this… but, I have seen enough charlatan healers due to my own search for healing from life-long struggles with depression and my health problems.

Even though I have had bad ‘experiences’ with many charlatan healers, it DOES NOT DISCOURAGE me in the least to keep seeking spiritual healing. My faith is not dependent on whether God will heal me or not.

By it’s fruits you shall know if someone is with God or not… For many the ability to discern who is with God or not is not so easy and seeing what looks like miracles may seem like proof of God’s power, but, the Devil can sometimes make manifestations that look like miracles too… Something to think about…

I just don’t see God working with someone who charges a fee for attending a healing service or if instead of peace I feel something ‘not so peaceful that disturbs my soul’ coming from a healer.

These are just my feelings and opinions on this topic… In no way would I commit the sin of blaspheming against the “Holy Spirit” and saying what comes from Jesus (healings) is not true… I speak more in terms of false healers and their actions apart from the healing masses.

God bless all in their search for healing, with all my heart I say this.

Never give up on God… but, don’t go expecting to be healed either… Leave it to God’s will and believe in his power no matter what the outcome is.

God’s peace to all 😃 😃
I can not relieve your physical suffering. But I can offer you this:

God never gives us less than we need, nor more than we can handle, so long as we are open to receive His grace.

Our beloved John Paul II suffered immensely from Parkinson’s disease and it’s side-effects, yet he never quit. Even to his dying day, he refused to hide his suffering and physical humiliation from us. Instead, like Jesus as he carried his cross to his own execution, John Paul II reached out to give comfort and inspiration to US!!!

Jesus commanded us to serve each other. So long as you focus yourself on serving others, you can expect rewards from God that will compensate you for your pain.

May our Lord bless you, relieve your suffering, and fill you with His divine strength and peace.
Nan S:
I can not relieve your physical suffering. But I can offer you this:

God never gives us less than we need, nor more than we can handle, so long as we are open to receive His grace.

Our beloved John Paul II suffered immensely from Parkinson’s disease and it’s side-effects, yet he never quit. Even to his dying day, he refused to hide his suffering and physical humiliation from us. Instead, like Jesus as he carried his cross to his own execution, John Paul II reached out to give comfort and inspiration to US!!!

Jesus commanded us to serve each other. So long as you focus yourself on serving others, you can expect rewards from God that will compensate you for your pain.

May our Lord bless you, relieve your suffering, and fill you with His divine strength and peace.
Hey Madaglan,
May I ask a bit of a personal quesitons??? Are the traditional medicines/therapies making you sicker??? If you want and the information seems priavete enough, you can pm me. And out of curiosity, why do you “need a miracle cure”??? Please try to stave off the jump from desperate to despair.🙂

And Nan, that is one of my favorite epithets, but in another thread, I posted my I modified saying to “God never gives us more than we can handle, but He Loves to push the limits.” God will never overwhelm our soul, but He may allow one or a few of our other faculties to be overwhelmed (ex. physical, mental, emotional).

And Maryam,
I am sorry that should the fee be true, you are correct that the woman should not charge fees for God’s free gift. Charlatans do exist, but we should remember that most authentic healers do NOT promise physical healing or direct healing as we think we need it. While chronic health condition may not be healed, the prayers can implore God to send Grace to whatever faculties is best for us holistically.

Madaglan, May God grant you the Grace to Love through Mercy and Mercy. You’ll be in my prayers and I apologize if the questions were too personal. :o Thanks and God Bless.
Maybe you might think about contacting a priest to receive the sacrament of the sick. We just had a communal sacrament of the sick healing mass at our church. Even if it isn’t God’s will for you to become physically healed, it may help with any spiritual needs you might be having right now

I don’t know how severe your disease, or ailment is but don’t be afraid. If we walk down God’s narrow path, we are assured of a great treasure in heaven. Perhaps he will allow you to stay a while longer, maybe there are more people here that you could help in your life, and it isn’t your time yet to be with Him. Only He knows.

Personally, I wouldn’t put my trust in people who can heal as much as I would in receiving this sacrament intended for someone in your position.

God bless you
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