Anyone see "Crash Course in Catholicism?"

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Neat show. I highly recommend. I’m not sure about the audience as it’s got a kinda hokey “Lost in Space” computer set but…Father Trigilio is great and so is Father Brighenti! They also have Noah Lett explain certain topics and definitions. I’d say it’s Tivo-worthy!😃
it is on EWTN, each episode is aired 3 times a week, it is excellent. I have offered to any interested youth or adult to use at as the first part of Confirmation preparation, if they watch each episode and meet with me for a monthly seminar discussion. No takers so far. If they offer it later on video or DVD I will definitely purchase it for the parish. It would be great for the inquiry phase of RCIA, for Confirmation candidates who have none or very little previous religious education, as a review of the basics for prospective catechists.
Is it an EWTN production?
Yes, as puzzleannie said, it is. Additionally, Fathers Tragilio and Brighenti are the co-authors of the excellent “Catholicism for Dummies.” Noah Lett, is a former Lutheran Pastor turned Catholic and EWTN theology advisor.
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