Anyone Willing to Talk about Discernment?

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Hello all,

I have posted this before about me on another forum thread I started:
I have posted many times on here before about my possibly receiving a call to the priesthood. I am 16 years old.
My family who are Catholic really want me to and see me being a Diocesan priest one day. I have met with many, many priests including their diocesan vocations director (who really wished I was in their diocese) who gave me a blessing for my calling in life; a few other priests; and a blessing from their bishop for my possible vocation.
I obviously want to follow wherever God wants me in life but I just don’t know what to do because I am really drawn between being an attorney and being a priest. I know I would do wonderful in either path but I just don’t know.
I have been reading through the book To Save a Thousand Souls and it is kind of helping me but this is just such a huge decision.
I pray the rosary daily and usually a few hours of the LOTH as well. I even have my own little mini-altar going in my room and closet here with crucifixes hanging on every wall in my room.
If there are any books or devotions or saints you can recommend me to or you could send to me by mail or whatever, I would be very grateful.
Also, if there are any priests who would be willing to talk with me about this, message or email me.
Thank you all so very much and God bless!
I was just wondering, is there anyone on here that you would be willing to talk with me about discernment of a possible vocation to diocesan priesthood??? I am not at a point yet where I would talk to my Priest about it or the diocesan vocations director or anything but if there are any priests or vocations directors or anyone discerning on here that could give me tips or resources or advice on how to discern, I would be very interested.

Also, if anyone would be willing to send me information or resources to focus myself to Christ even more in this discernment process, more than I have before through mailing me or emailing me stuff, I would be interested.

Thank you all so much and may God’s blessings be with you always!

Hi, I am not able to discern vocations but you might want to check out a cool website It has some very interesting vocation stories.

Stay close to Jesus and Mary. They will guide you.

I will pray for you
May God bless you always.
All you can do is pray and trust in God. Then, when you are ready, talk to your priest about it. I believe To Save A Thousand Souls has rosary reflections in the back. You could also pray to different priest-saints you admire. I hope you continue to try to discern God’s will. Many don’t even consider it. Hope everything works out.

God Bless

Mike Ford
Hello all,

I have posted this before about me on another forum thread I started:

I was just wondering, is there anyone on here that you would be willing to talk with me about discernment of a possible vocation to diocesan priesthood??? I am not at a point yet where I would talk to my Priest about it or the diocesan vocations director or anything but if there are any priests or vocations directors or anyone discerning on here that could give me tips or resources or advice on how to discern, I would be very interested.

Also, if anyone would be willing to send me information or resources to focus myself to Christ even more in this discernment process, more than I have before through mailing me or emailing me stuff, I would be interested.

Thank you all so much and may God’s blessings be with you always!

Before I write anything else, I am discerning a vocation to be a Nun/Sister, so I can’t really share experiences on that level, but I would be more than happy to talk to you about discernment! You are more than welcome to PM me, or email me, whichever works best for you, if you want. I would say to read, as another poster said, “To Save A Thousand Souls.” I read a few bits and pieces of it, even though I am a girl 😛 and it really does give you much information you will find helpful. They have small excerpts here and there online if you type it into Google Search. I also found this website. I know this Diocese is pretty far away, for me at least, but I think it would help you out: I would first click on the tabs listed under “Discernment,” and go from there. Again, if you would like to talk, the offer is always open. 🙂

Thank you for listening to this possible call! God has a huge plan for you, and whether or not you decide to enter the Priesthood, know that God is with you always! 😃 May God bless you always!
I obviously want to follow wherever God wants me in life but I just don’t know what to do because I am really drawn between being an attorney and being a priest. I know I would do wonderful in either path but I just don’t know…

First I wish to congradulate you on your ability to listen to GOD. Continue to pray to Jesus and the Blessed Mother for direction.Secondly think about this… are you familiar with the subject of Canon Law? It requires lawyers who are also priests!!! Who says you can not be both??? The most important thing is that you listen to GOD’S call and answer it to the best of your ability. May the LORD continue to bless you and direct you.
From one person discerning priesthood to another. The most you can do is pray and grow in your faith. Start learning more about the Church, it is full of treasure. If you want to look up congregations that help out a diocese Id look those up. At this point explore around and learn.

Fellow man discerning priesthood

Hi Landon - the peace and love of our Lord be with you

many have already posted great advices. I just want to share some things that I have experienced in my own discernment.
  1. hearing other’s testimony is a great way to gain perspective and inspiration in your own discernment. Talk to seminarians, postulants, novices - even candidates and listen to their stories.
  2. while not quite directly applicable to a diocesan priest - my Capuchin vocation director instructed me to try out many different ministries - specially those that fall within the charism of the order. By doing so, you begin to learn about yourself and where your personal gifts fall into. This maybe something you may want to explore now. (who knows maybe you are more suited to join an Order than becoming a Diocesan priest)
  3. the 3Ps&H formula - Prayer, Patience, Perseverance & Humility. Allow the holy Spirit to work on you and guide you to where you need to be. You are on the right track.
I am tackling the same issue of feeling called to different things that appear to be contradictory.

But I am finding that maybe we just need to be patient and in God’s time what was once impossible may become possible.

Maybe rather than an either/or with the priesthood and law, maybe you really are called to both.
What if, what you feel is not really God’s design for you and it’s only your wanting. It’s kind a hard thing to know God’s will. What if you are between two things, you want religious life, and marriage life what would you do?
iT’s kind a hard thing to make a decision.
Hello friend.
I´m a 19 year old boy and I´m in a similar situation to the one you are in.
I´m studying to become an attonery, but I also feel something inside me. I feel something that makes me more and more nearby to the church. As time goes, I have more and more clear that my future will be in church (I think that surely as a diocesan priest).
The only diference is that my family is atheistic and I don´t know how to tell them this thing.
Please, pray for me as I would pray for you, and it will be what God want for us.
Hello !
I was faced with the same situation that you are right now. It really is hard especially if you are thinking what will happen to you if you are not really called, but in my case I decided to take a risk. I do not think much of the future anymore, I just let myself be guided by His will.
The time of formation that I will undergo inside the seminary will my period of discernment.
I’ll pray for you and may God bless you.

I’m 15. I’m a bit further on. I above had loads of help in my discernment. I’d love to help you. Message me ! The best thing to do is speak to your parish priest. It’s really hard. I’ve been there. But he’ll only help you! Keep praying. Happy to help.

Well Landon, constantly live out your Faith, and pray for guidance often. The priesthood is something that needs to be prayed about before committing to. I am always praying for my possible vocation.

I don’t know how much I would be of use to you, since I am discerning a vocation to the FSSP, not the diocesan priesthood. But if you ever want to talk, then feel free to PM me. 👍
I’d suggest the book “God’s Voice Within” by Fr. Mark Thibodaux. It is an AMAZING book on discernment that helped me sooooo much!!! They always tell you to discern, but no one gives instructions; well Fr. Mark did!
It has helped me in my own discernment, and God willing, I’ll be entering the novitiate in August!
My Dear Friend,

Praised be Jesus Christ forever!

I am glad to know that yet another man is discerning the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ! Yes, it is great to hear that yet another one of us has been blessed to discern and discover the spiritual fruits of this One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith.

I’ve been doing this for a few years now. It has it’s up and downs. It is at times tiring, confusing and it takes a looooot of patience, but Our God is the God of surprises, and he never fails to help us when we beg for his aid. I am 15 and will be turning 16 in the next couple of weeks and I am from Scotland. Anyone on this can feel free to contact me more about vocations, give counsel and to share experiences.

I’m gonna have to disagree with you slightly here; You need to talk to a Priest. It is never too early to tell a Priest that you feel that you may be called to the Priesthood. Just talk to your pastor, or a young Priest. You can even mention it in confession. Not only are you helping yourself, but you are really helping the Priest. When a Priest finds that a soul he cares for may have a calling, it really helps them spiritually. Give a Priest that joy, that grace, and seek the advice of a sound Priest when you can. Do not be afraid!

Also, in terms of spiritual health, it is good to find a good confessor. Try and make it to confession once a week/month. This allows you to develop an honest and self-giving relationship with God, through the mercy of his Son, Jesus Christ, that established this great sacrament for us. You cannot discern properly unless you are free from mortal sin, lest we allow Satan to blind us with the smoke of deceit. I will pray for you. Make Confession your haven from this frightening and pagan world. God’s forgiveness is always there for those who want it; “Ask and it shall be opened unto you.”

From my experience, I advise that you meditate upon the sacrificial nature of the Mass. As you will already know, the Mass is the re-presentation of the Sacrifice of the Cross to God the Father, and in the Mass, this Sacrifice is continued as Christ had promised through the ordination of the apostles, and even as the Old Testament says, it is the “Never-ending Sacrifice of the Lamb”. Contemplate on the sacrificial Nature of the Priesthood in the same respect, recalling the sacrifices you would have to make as a Priest and the Mass itself, where the Priest - the “alter-Christus” - is immolated upon the altar as Jesus Christ, the Paschal Victim, continuing that same sacrifice that will last until the end of the world. In Holy Communion, pray for Priests, Vocations and your own personal sanctification. As St. Padre Pio said “It would be better for the world to survive without the sun, than for souls to do without the Holy Mass”. Without this continual sacrifice that Our Lord made on the cross for us, the gates of Heaven would never have been opened. It is through this sacrifice of praise and mercy that we may now hope to attain eternal salvation. What an awe-inspiring thought this is! Deo Gratias!

In regards to Saints and Books, I advise the writings of St. John Vianney, St. Padre Pio, St. Francis de Sales, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Thomas Aquinas (which is essential for your Theological Formation) and of course - the greatest Church Father evahrrr - St. Augustine. Pray to these Holy Priests and read their divinely inspired works. 'To save a thousand souls" is great also. I recommend “The Priest, a bridge to God” and one I am looking at just now “All for Jesus” by Fr. Faber. For Mariology I recommend St. Louis de Montfort’s “33 Day Consecration to the Heart of Mary”. This book and consecration is a beautiful and powerful to devotion, and really does aid the soul. Also, in terms of spiritual defence, I recommend “How to free ourselves from evil spirits and their harm?” by Fr. Boulos Fahed OMM. This book is good for defending yourself from evil spirits and how to keep sin and temptation away, allowing yourself to work for the salvation of souls. A great spiritual benefit.

I would also recommend a few movies for willingful Catholic Procrastination. Two movies of Pope John Paul II: “Karol: The man who became Pope” is about his life as a Priest in Communist Poland before he was a Pope, an amazing story indeed. And then “Karol: The Pope, The Man” is about his life after he became Pope. Both of these can be found on YouTube. Also, click here for a Movie about Padre Pio! This movie was in English, but only the Italian version is left on YouTube with subtitles now unfortunately. Still a great story though.

I know I have gave you a loooooot of videos and books to read, but the wait for entering into a process of application for seminary can be a long one. And there is so much time to learn so much from little things like these. Take your time! 🙂 I will pray for you my friend. Keep smiling and praying also. The Church has lost it’s Catholic Identity. And we need to work together in great faith to rebuild the One True Faith of Jesus Christ.

Feel free to keep in touch with me. God Bless us all with Holy and Pious Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, and grant us good and faithful laypeople.

In corde Iesu, per Mariam,
Deus, Salus Nostra :gopray2:
Hello all,

I have posted this before about me on another forum thread I started:

I was just wondering, is there anyone on here that you would be willing to talk with me about discernment of a possible vocation to diocesan priesthood??? I am not at a point yet where I would talk to my Priest about it or the diocesan vocations director or anything but if there are any priests or vocations directors or anyone discerning on here that could give me tips or resources or advice on how to discern, I would be very interested.

Also, if anyone would be willing to send me information or resources to focus myself to Christ even more in this discernment process, more than I have before through mailing me or emailing me stuff, I would be interested.

Thank you all so much and may God’s blessings be with you always!


Have you read; anything on Ignatian discernment, this shows you how to discern which decision is God’s plan for your life,

As it says in To Save a Thousand Souls, ‘If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and has webbed feet, then it probably is a duck.’ If you have the signs of a vocation to priesthood you need to keep moving forward seeing where God may be calling you, if He is calling for you you will eventually know which diocese or order, then seminary is to see if God gives you that peace that this is His plan. Keep moving forward unless God shows you it isn’t His will.

A really good book; ‘The Jesuit Guide to almost everything.’ Mark E Thibodeux has one called ‘How to Hear God’s Voice’ I think.

Matthew Kelly’s book, ‘A call to joy,’ is also about discerning God’s will.

You need a spiritual director, start making a list of priests you could ask, and approach one to help you discern.

Are there discernment groups near you? Have you visited the seminary for vocations day? Attended vocation weekend retreats? Look up the web and find the email of some vocation directors, you can say to them, ‘I’d like to discern if I have a vocation to the lriesthood in your diocese.’ They will meet with you and talk with you -they usually drive to meet you. These things confirm if it is God’s Will -talking with others and going and seeing.

Getting involved in the parish helps, such as offering to do readings, training to be a Eucharistic minister, joining youth prayer groups, bible classes,

In to save a thousand souls there is a list of scripture verses about God calling people, read one a day (few verses, and note the lines that are important to you, scripture will confirm what your calling is).

I’m discerning too, the line that hit me was; the parable of the treasure in the field, or ‘Come follow Me I will make you fishers of men.’ That’s how God speaks sometimes -through scripture.
My Dear Friend,

Praised be Jesus Christ forever!

I am glad to know that yet another man is discerning the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ! Yes, it is great to hear that yet another one of us has been blessed to discern and discover the spiritual fruits of this One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith.

I’ve been doing this for a few years now. It has it’s up and downs. It is at times tiring, confusing and it takes a looooot of patience, but Our God is the God of surprises, and he never fails to help us when we beg for his aid. I am 15 and will be turning 16 in the next couple of weeks and I am from Scotland. Anyone on this can feel free to contact me more about vocations, give counsel and to share experiences.

I’m gonna have to disagree with you slightly here; You need to talk to a Priest. It is never too early to tell a Priest that you feel that you may be called to the Priesthood. Just talk to your pastor, or a young Priest. You can even mention it in confession. Not only are you helping yourself, but you are really helping the Priest. When a Priest finds that a soul he cares for may have a calling, it really helps them spiritually. Give a Priest that joy, that grace, and seek the advice of a sound Priest when you can. Do not be afraid!

Also, in terms of spiritual health, it is good to find a good confessor. Try and make it to confession once a week/month. This allows you to develop an honest and self-giving relationship with God, through the mercy of his Son, Jesus Christ, that established this great sacrament for us. You cannot discern properly unless you are free from mortal sin, lest we allow Satan to blind us with the smoke of deceit. I will pray for you. Make Confession your haven from this frightening and pagan world. God’s forgiveness is always there for those who want it; “Ask and it shall be opened unto you.”

From my experience, I advise that you meditate upon the sacrificial nature of the Mass. As you will already know, the Mass is the re-presentation of the Sacrifice of the Cross to God the Father, and in the Mass, this Sacrifice is continued as Christ had promised through the ordination of the apostles, and even as the Old Testament says, it is the “Never-ending Sacrifice of the Lamb”. Contemplate on the sacrificial Nature of the Priesthood in the same respect, recalling the sacrifices you would have to make as a Priest and the Mass itself, where the Priest - the “alter-Christus” - is immolated upon the altar as Jesus Christ, the Paschal Victim, continuing that same sacrifice that will last until the end of the world. In Holy Communion, pray for Priests, Vocations and your own personal sanctification. As St. Padre Pio said “It would be better for the world to survive without the sun, than for souls to do without the Holy Mass”. Without this continual sacrifice that Our Lord made on the cross for us, the gates of Heaven would never have been opened. It is through this sacrifice of praise and mercy that we may now hope to attain eternal salvation. What an awe-inspiring thought this is! Deo Gratias!

In regards to Saints and Books, I advise the writings of St. John Vianney, St. Padre Pio, St. Francis de Sales, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Thomas Aquinas (which is essential for your Theological Formation) and of course - the greatest Church Father evahrrr - St. Augustine. Pray to these Holy Priests and read their divinely inspired works. 'To save a thousand souls" is great also. I recommend “The Priest, a bridge to God” and one I am looking at just now “All for Jesus” by Fr. Faber. For Mariology I recommend St. Louis de Montfort’s “33 Day Consecration to the Heart of Mary”. This book and consecration is a beautiful and powerful to devotion, and really does aid the soul. Also, in terms of spiritual defence, I recommend “How to free ourselves from evil spirits and their harm?” by Fr. Boulos Fahed OMM. This book is good for defending yourself from evil spirits and how to keep sin and temptation away, allowing yourself to work for the salvation of souls. A great spiritual benefit.

I would also recommend a few movies for willingful Catholic Procrastination. Two movies of Pope John Paul II: “Karol: The man who became Pope” is about his life as a Priest in Communist Poland before he was a Pope, an amazing story indeed. And then “Karol: The Pope, The Man” is about his life after he became Pope. Both of these can be found on YouTube. Also, click here for a Movie about Padre Pio! This movie was in English, but only the Italian version is left on YouTube with subtitles now unfortunately. Still a great story though.

I know I have gave you a loooooot of videos and books to read, but the wait for entering into a process of application for seminary can be a long one. And there is so much time to learn so much from little things like these. Take your time! 🙂 I will pray for you my friend. Keep smiling and praying also. The Church has lost it’s Catholic Identity. And we need to work together in great faith to rebuild the One True Faith of Jesus Christ.

Feel free to keep in touch with me. God Bless us all with Holy and Pious Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, and grant us good and faithful laypeople.

In corde Iesu, per Mariam,
Deus, Salus Nostra :gopray2:

Discerning too myself, at 27yrs of age!
I’ll pray for you and you can pray for me!

Good books and videos recommended!
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