The direct answer is that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with hypnosis. Popes Pius VI, IX and XII issued positive statements about hypnosis - with the caveat that it is a serious treatment modality and not to be used for entertainment.
I happen to be a Catholic hypnotherapist. Been doing it for around 10 years and used it on myself for decades. [In NJ I have to say that I am a hypnocounsellor. NJ has a lot of legalisms. I also am not permitted to tell people that I have an MS in pastoral counseling. In NJ only PhD’s can state their education. ]
The simplest answer I would offer is to seek out a Catholic or Christian hynotist or hypnotherapist. Ask any person claiming to be a hypnotist what his or her credentials are and what professional organizations they belong to or are certified by and then check out those groups on the internet.
In addition, there are several useful referral services including the National Guild of Hypnotists and the National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. Both have Web sites.
If fear of driving is an issue, I would recommend use of EMI (Eye Movement Integration) or EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Ron Klein at the American Hypnosis Training Academy teaches EMI. And you can reach Francine Shapiro who originated EMDR at
If you contact me directly, I would be pleased to provide additional information or to check out anyone’s credentials for you.
Hypnosis has an interesting history. It goes back thousands of years; some people are naturals at it. The rest of us require training. There are many Web sites providing information. One of the best is operated by Robert Dilts. You can find him by visiting Google and typing in Dilts NLP .
You can also research the life of Mesmer. It fell into disuse after a while and has enjoyed a resurgence.
There are several parts to the treatment, including rapport building, a contract (agreement on what the specific purpose is), trance induction, the actual suggestion work, post Hypnotic suggestion, and coming back out of the trance state.
Pretty easy stuff. Every time you go to a movie, you enter a trance state, operated by the movie editor and sound editor. Watch the next time you are at a movie; everybody is in a trance! When people drive their cars, they often are in a trance state; that’s why they often pass their highway exit!