Should the Pope be immune from a trial alleging sex-abuse and a subsequent cover-up?
No**64%Yes28%Unsure8%**Total Votes: 25,876
These are this morning’s results regarding a poll that AOL has started after a judge ruled that because the Pope is the head of a state, he can not be named in civil suits regarding the coverup of sexual abuse in the seminarians…I can’t believe anyone would even consider going that far, but I guess all things are possible in this litiginous society that we live in. What do you think? Do you believe the results?
No**64%Yes28%Unsure8%**Total Votes: 25,876
These are this morning’s results regarding a poll that AOL has started after a judge ruled that because the Pope is the head of a state, he can not be named in civil suits regarding the coverup of sexual abuse in the seminarians…I can’t believe anyone would even consider going that far, but I guess all things are possible in this litiginous society that we live in. What do you think? Do you believe the results?