What is the status of those works not part of the canon yet recognized as being written at an early date? I know that the epistles of Clement, Ignatius and Polycarp, along with the Revelations of Hermes, are all considered orthodox, and are used in defense of Catholic beliefs, which are found in the New Testament, but which are further explained by these non-canonical works.
What I’m concerned about are the Infancy Gospels, the Signs Gospels, the Sayings of Jesus, etc. Are there any gospels other than the four in the canon which are considered highly orthodox and historically correct? Also, I understand that there are additional letters supposedly written by Paul. What is the status of those letters? Spurious?
What I’m concerned about are the Infancy Gospels, the Signs Gospels, the Sayings of Jesus, etc. Are there any gospels other than the four in the canon which are considered highly orthodox and historically correct? Also, I understand that there are additional letters supposedly written by Paul. What is the status of those letters? Spurious?