We also are very involved grandparents. But what exactly does an apostolate mean?
I am not going to yank out the dictionary or catechism on this one.
Apostolate is an expression, alone or in a group, of the fact we are called to be apostles; that is, Jesus told all of us to get out there and live a holy life by example in a particular format, so that people would want to be Christians. He didn’t leave it just to priests and vowed religious, but to EVERYBODY.
There are big apostolates, such as the Blue Army, Folkarare, Holy Childhood, Legion of Mary, Catholic Family Movement, your local food pantry, a Catholic school sponsored for kids in a homeless shelter or less than desirable neighborhood- apostolates. Catholic Answers, another apostolate.
But there are little apostolates, like the ones they sometimes have on EWTN, ones none of us have ever heard or seen. They might only be one person’s efforts to bring about Jesus’ message.
Now, an apostolate for grandparents who want to or have to help out with the grandkids, or to bring the grandkids closer to Jesus, and Heaven, esp. in some of the situations today- That would be a really neat apostolate, and I would go in with somebody on that one.