haha. Of course life is a journey and a continous discernment of God’s will but I have been discerning for the priesthood for far too long. I did do work with the diocese but I went in with a desire really to be in an order. Many orders have attracted me, Franciscans, Carmelites, Dominicans (although that’s kind of cancelled because you need an associates to get it) and many others. Recently I heard from an FSSP about societies of the Apostolic Life. I want vows but my e-book reader and technology is great for research, and my books
I wear contacts and glasses are just annoying to me (can religious wear contacts or is it like the army?) And I fear only that they would put me in obedience to stop private devotions, like to St. Hannibal Di Francia and his Luisian method of prayer in the Divine will. This more or less is what I mention when people are convicted of my vocation to the priesthood. Where can I go and fully fullfil his Divine will? And don’t get me wrong, if I had a crazy strange obedience I would do it as long as it is morally good or neutral.
So my main question is this. What would be a good society of apostolic life? Or perhaps Religious order? Ask me as many questions as you want! Lol
And sorry about any organization or spelling errors, I’m typing this on a phone lol

So my main question is this. What would be a good society of apostolic life? Or perhaps Religious order? Ask me as many questions as you want! Lol
And sorry about any organization or spelling errors, I’m typing this on a phone lol