Apparitions and Shrines...the Real ones and the False ones

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I have always wondered about apparitions if there is a real desire to look into them or just brush them off. There are so many ones that people truly believe in that they tend to forget about Jesus and put more energy into these other places.

There is a site West of Cleveland, Ohio in Lorain Country call Holy Love Ministries. There claim is that some apparitions have appear to a woman since 1985 and now has a whole complex with statues and holy water spring. I have been there and have not experienced anything spectatular or unique. I know the Church has a few places of True Holiness, Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, etc.

So can we start a discussion of these sites to clear up any misunderstandings that many Catholic and non-Catholics have concerning this part of our faith.
Hey Edwin
I was coming on here this am to say just that (well almost).
However, I do follow Medjugorje. Hope you’ve heard of it.
At the beginning of my conversion back in 1991, my sister paid for my way to go there. I was at this time still a little bit ‘doubting Thomas’. So when she said she’d pay my way to go, I took her up on it, because I was going to ask for a sign. I really needed to know for sure there was a God.
So, off we went to Bosnia. This was in the middle of the war, in 1991. Wow, what a place! And peace…here there was a war going on all around, in fact a times I heard bombs going off. As I have mentioned (in my heart) I was going there for a sign right, Also when I was young I had a strong devotion to Mary. Well low and behold it was my last day there (total 11 days) and it dawned on me that I had completely forgot to ask for the sign.
I was all alone (for the first time) on Cross Mountain and actually ready to climb down when it dawned on me about the sign. So Medjugorje is well known for the spinning of the sun, so I asked Our Blessed Mother to see the miracle of the sun. So I looked up and low and behold the sun was spinning, spinning, changing colors…Well, I ended up sitting there for 2 more hours watching the sun, and crying my eyes out, for my disbelief.
I guess the main point I’m trying to make here is #1- Mary led me to Medjugorje (because she’s been appearing there) but I truly never thought of her till that last day…I only thought of Jesus her Son. THIS IS HOW OUR BLESSED MOTHER LEADS US TO HER SON. Amen. And #2 being a doubting Thomas by asking for a sign and receiving it…has left me on Fire for Our Lord and the Catholic Church. That Fire has never left…Thank you Jesus.

Also about 2 hr drive from my home there is a place where Our Blessed Mother is suppose to be appearing and sending messages to people… I have been there several times and its beautiful. The owners have opened up their land and have the stations of the Cross all around there property. It’s in the middle of nowhere. I’m not sure is She is really appearing or not…I do not read the messages she has given to people there… The reason I go is Peace. It’s a beautiful peaceful place to go and pray…I have been there on special Feast Days of Our Blessed Mother… and I have seen people on their knees on the grounded crying and praying because they have seen the spinning of the sun …

What I’m getting at is that if people are changing their lives because of these places…and if these places are with the Pope and the Catholic Church…then this is good…

I have been praying for help in opening my heart to these most interesting and overwhelming events.
Yet, I have heard people on ETWN and Catholic Answers that we should be VERY careful to putting energy on tthese ‘appearing places of Mary’.
Because the Church has not given any final decree whether Bosina, the site here in Cleveland, Ohio or your Canadian visitation site are authenic.

I have heard MANY here in Cleveland, Ohio (from the Diocese, and other priests, including my church pastor) discredit Holy Love Ministries and their messages.

I have prayed for a sign to know whether this site here is true. I have received none as of yet. In fact, the radio program that they had on local radio has been cancelled. If this was a sign, I do not know? :confused:

I have a friend who took my picture to Bosina and asked her to pray for me.
Nothing as far as I know happened. Am I wrong in presumption?

I truly WANT to believe that our Blessed Mother is truly present in this time of history, but I am hitting a brick wall :banghead: ?

Any suggestions!
Go with God!
P.S. Check this out for me to know whether this is real.
Last month my mom went to someplace in Alabama where one of the Medjugorje (sp?) visionaries was visiting. She had a pretty amazing experience that I couldn’t even possibly try and to tell. I’ll ask her to post about it later.

She came home absolutely certain that it was real. And I believe her, it would have had to been real, or she would have had to be completely losing her mind. And I know she’s she’s definitely not crazy!
Dear Edwin:
Thank you,
I’m not exactly sure why they deleted my message. They sent me a message and told me I wasn’t suppose to endorse these apparitions?? I’m confused as they allowed this thread to remain.
If you have truly asked God from your heart if these are real, and you have not received an answer, then I would say, it probably is not real? I know that if whatever is going on, if it is in contradition with the Bible then we are not suppose to support it in any way.
I’m not sure if I can say anything else or I’ll get another message. However I do intend to respond, because I don’t feel I’ve done or said anything wrong…As far as I’m concerned if you are brought closer to the Church and to Jesus, then this is good. However if people do not come closer to Jesus and the Church then you should not have anything to do with it.
As Jesus said, ‘You shall know these things by their fruit’. My experience in visiting Medjugorge has definitely my spiritual life
stronger. I Love Jesus, the Catholic Church, Our Blessed Mother, the Eucharist…everything a good Catholic should strive for Holiness. If in saying this I have somehow not followed the rules to posting here, then I ask forgiveness first and a complete explaination as what I’ve said is sooo wrong.
God Bless You Edwin
If you’ve hit a wall, then maybe it is just best to move on.
Not ALL Apparitions are approved by the Catholic Church. I fully understand that. In due time, maybe in 50-100 years the current one will be studied and tested by the Catholic.
The reason why I started this Thread is that I am also aware that Satan is the Father of Lies. He does have a way to trick those who fall for something that is not true. Satan can conjure up images and spiritual happenings too. That is why The Church needs to study any visit by our Blessed Mother or the Saints. That is also why miracles are time tested in the Church.

This thread is also an area to discuss apparitions that are true and those not true. As for Bosina, the dicision has not been made, so I take that one lightly. The Church wants to protect the faithful from being decieved.

I just want to be sure that if there is an event from Our Blessed Mother, I want to be sure that it is certainly blessed by Her and the Church

Go with God!
I think you would be absolutely stupefied at how many places and times visions specifically of Christ’s Mother are supposed to have occurred.The religious analysts call these the global network of divergent Marian devotion.The structure is strengthened by the use of the internet.

They cannot all be true:You have heard of Lourdes and Fatima, but then comes San Damiano and the Bayside visions of Veronica Lueken.She is a very serious example of how the whole phenomenon unbalances spirituality and her own mind eventually. Her broadcasts on cable TV were absolutely maniacal.

In England there is a different thing -a medievalistic nostalgia trip that leads religious obsessives to a shrine in Norfolk.When a wing of the Anglican Church wants to dress up and play at Roman Catholics, they head for here…there is an unholy feel to the pilgrimage as homosexuals make assignations and people get drunk.There have been brawls here too.Well , I think it’s a dream world frequented by young men and silly old women with nothing better to do. Whether or not Our Lady appeared seems beyond verification, but I now have great disdain for wanting to live perpetually in Anglo-Norman times.

I’m still willing however to converse on this proposed subject, you can send me a PM if you want to.
I have always wondered about apparitions if there is a real desire to look into them or just brush them off. There are so many ones that people truly believe in that they tend to forget about Jesus and put more energy into these other places.

There is a site West of Cleveland, Ohio in Lorain Country call Holy Love Ministries. There claim is that some apparitions have appear to a woman since 1985 and now has a whole complex with statues and holy water spring. I have been there and have not experienced anything spectatular or unique. I know the Church has a few places of True Holiness, Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, etc.

So can we start a discussion of these sites to clear up any misunderstandings that many Catholic and non-Catholics have concerning this part of our faith.
Over the years I have become a message junkie, an apparation here and another there, but now I have learned to give them little credence, as the devil can turn himself into an angel of light.
The damage done by some of these false seers is imense, so now if they don’t get past the Vatican then I don’t promote them.
Anyway why would we need so many apparations ? I have been to loads of shrines here in Ireland, at the end of the day the only shrine I need is Jesus in the Tabernacle.
I read of a seer that allegely talked to the Virgin Mary, and it was either the priest or bishop that called her in and asked her to try and get the virgin to appear where they were.
The girl got down on her knees and the priest sat in a chair reading a book, the girl became very agitated, and she started to contort her face and ran out of the priests room, and all he could hear was the screeching of tyres with her at the wheel.
Apparently when she was supposidly trying to get Mary to appear, the priest was reading an Exorcism prayer !!! :bigyikes:
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