Application friars immaculate conception provience

  • Thread starter Thread starter CarlFGreen
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Hello all,

I am discerning a call to be a Franciscan Friar with the immaculate conception provience.

Does anyone know what the application package looks like? I have been on a discernment day but wanted to know more about the actual application.

Your best bet is to contact them directly- follow up with a friar who you connected with or who was in charge of the discernment day. Let them know that you enjoyed the discernment day and feel that you are being called to further the discernment process with them. Then ask what the next step would be to joining their community. Prayers and good luck!
Hello all,

I am discerning a call to be a Franciscan Friar with the immaculate conception provience.

Does anyone know what the application package looks like? I have been on a discernment day but wanted to know more about the actual application.

It’s pretty standard as far as applications go. I started the application process with them a few years ago, but ultimately went with a different order. General information forms. Send you baptist, first communion, confirmation certificates…or any others that may pertain to you, like Holy Orders if your already ordained, annulments etc. write An autobiography of several pages. Meet with a Psychologist. You’ll need several letters of recommendation, including one from your pastor. I don’t remember if there was anything else, but your best bet is to just ask them directly. They’ll be happy to answer. You could also see if there’s another friary you could visit, have dinner, etc, or re-visit the one you’ve already been to to get to know them better. They should be open to that…they were for me. Or meet the vocation director for lunch at a neutral location if that is better for you. Any question you have has been asked before, and I found them to be very helpful.
Thanks for that info! Do you know if there are any medical tests done? Or any medical requirements?

Thanks again.
Thanks for that info! Do you know if there are any medical tests done? Or any medical requirements?

Thanks again.
Yes, you’ll have to get a physical with blood tests (TB test, proof of vaccines, etc). They’ll give you a form for the doctor to fill out. I don’t remember if the IC Province required dental and optometry exams as well, but I dont be surprised if they do. The community I ended up joining did require those in addition to the physical.
Ok great do you remember what kind of blood tests? I have to do these things as I am a nurse so I am wondering if I have them already.

Thanks again
Ok great do you remember what kind of blood tests? I have to do these things as I am a nurse so I am wondering if I have them already.

Thanks again
I don’t remember off-hand…I think HIV may have been one, CBC perhaps…I really dont remember though, and I could be confusing them with something else. If you already have test results, most communities will accept them if they’re within a certain time frame…but I also don’t want to give you false information. They should be open with you if you ask. I don’t think there was anything really strange involved. I’d imagine most of the bloodwork you’re required to get as a nurse exceeds what they require. If you’re not up-to-date on some vaccines, they may also require you to get up-to-date.

Every religious community is different, but I think by and large, theyre really just trying to get a feel/understanding of your medical history/situation since they’ll be taking on full responsibility for your healthcare once you enter. If you had or have anything significant they may want more information about it…whether medical records or questions for a specialist to answer, if you have one.
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