Appropriate Christmas Cards

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I would like to buy Christmas cards from a group that supports the pro-life movement. Or, if they’re not available, I would like to find some cards that support children. I looked at UNICEF, but if sounds like they support abortion.

Any suggestions??

The Knights of Columbus sell great Christmas cards with the “Keep Christ in Christmas” theme. They should be available at your church or at a local parish. If not, pm me and I can send you info from my husband’s group. One of their main charities is Pro-Life activities.
Birthright sells specifically prolife cards, but I have found an even better source of beautiful and reasonably priced Christmas cards in Trademark Catholic Stationery. Here is their website:

I buy their cards in bulk assortments, just to see what we like. I am especially impressed by the ‘holy Christmas’ inscriptions.
Have you heard of Misericordia in IL: Operated by the Sisters of Mercy under the auspices of the Catholic Bishop of Chicago, Misericordia has been providing services for persons in need since 1921. Originally a home for unwed mothers, our current Mission began in 1954 when Misericordia opened its doors to infants and children with mental disabilities

Today, our network of quality care consists of two campuses that embrace over 550 children and adults challenged by mental and physical disabilities. Misericordia South is located at 2916 West 47th Street and provides skilled nursing care for children with severe and profound mental and physical disabilities. Misericordia’s North campus located at 6300 North Ridge Avenue contains nine individual group homes, an independent living apartment complex, six residential centers for nonambulatory children and adults, an intensive training center for children, ten structured apartments for adults with severe and profound mental disabilities and three home sites in the neighboring community. Our residents are persons of all ethnic, religious, racial and socioeconomic backgrounds.

The residents of Misericordia also make some of the most beautiful Christmas cards. You can find out more at
My Protestant wife and I go back and forth on this. She thinks non-religious cards are okay and I disagree. Most of the religious cards we receive are from my Catholic relatives and most of her family send “happy holidays” or secularized Christmas cards.

She she does point out(and I have come to see her point) is that so much “Catholic” stuff is cheap and slochy(sp). To prove her point she shook the religious cards invariably from PaperMagic and they are much thinner and of poorer paper quality in comparison to Hallmark. Last year we sent change of address “holiday” cards she had bought on clearance and I insisted that we write a letter with a Scripture verse and added Merry Christmas!

This year we have compromised, we bought religious cards and not from papermagic but from Hallmark or Current. She is not anti-religion but thinks we can send generic greetings and be okay. I think in these times we MUST be outspoken about keeping Christ in Christmas.
Our priest once delivered part of a homily on the importance of sending Christian Christmas cards. It’s sort of what it’s all about.

I have my children draw a nativity (or angels or stars, whatever they are able) and make cards out of those. I always use religious poetry or scripture or both for the inside.

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