Aquinas and Calvin on Predestination: Is There Any Common Ground? | ARTICLE

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Very nice read, comparing Aquinas and Calvin on this subject. From the conclusion:
The conclusion reached in this paper is that there are more similarities than disparities between Aquinas and Calvin on the doctrine of predestination. Some degree of continuity ought to be expected given that both men interpret the Apostle Paul’s teaching on predestination through the lens of Augustine to one degree or another. In some respects, Thomas reflects a more faithful reading of Augustine than Calvin since he recognizes the role of merit in the soteric process and leans in the direction of a single predestinarian view. However, Calvin does more justice to Augustine’s emphasis on human depravity and the necessity of saving grace to rescue man from destruction. As it pertains to this doctrine, the theology of Thomas stands squarely in the Augustinian tradition upholding the sovereignty of God and the gratuity of grace. It would be a serious misrepresentation to classify his position as Semi-Pelagian. Unlike the Semi-Pelagians, Thomas believed in unconditional election and continually stressed the priority of divine grace in his treatment of predestination.
(Article from Reformed Theological Seminary)
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