Can anyone tell me whether Aquinas’ “Quaestiones disputatae de malo” (“Disputed Questions on Evil”) contains any content of significance that is not separately/redundantly available in the Summa? And which of the two precedes the other chronologically (in terms of date originally written)?
It seems there is no English translation of the DM available online or freely downloadable (please point me to one if there is). And since I am currently researching some matters specifically related to Good, Evil, Free Will, and Choice, I am wondering how much benefit (i.e. beyond the summa or some other free source) a copy of the DM would add to my efforts.
It seems there is no English translation of the DM available online or freely downloadable (please point me to one if there is). And since I am currently researching some matters specifically related to Good, Evil, Free Will, and Choice, I am wondering how much benefit (i.e. beyond the summa or some other free source) a copy of the DM would add to my efforts.