Archdiocese of Denver Calls Homosexual Adoption Demand "Imprudent and Wrong"

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Another Archdiocese chimes in on the subject:
**Archdiocese of Denver Calls Homosexual Adoption Demand “Imprudent and Wrong”
**By John-Henry Westen
DENVER, March 16, 2006 ( - In an uncommonly clear and straightforward statement, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Denver has publicly voiced the problem with homosexual adoption. James H. Mauck, President of Catholic Charities Denver, has stated that, “It is apparent that there are some who wish to compel Catholic Charities to place children with couples whose life choices run contrary to the values and beliefs of Catholic Charities and many other non-profit child placing agencies. This demand is imprudent and wrong.”
Good for them…About time people stood up and voiced their opinion. If you don’t like it then go to another agency after all just because you apply doesn’t mean your going to be granted a child
More continued good guidance from Denver. Archbishop Chaput is cultivating some wonderful soil in Colorado.

I’m hoping sooner or later we can call him “Cardinal Chaput.” He has been a light of truth for a long time.
Everything I have read about Archbishop Chaput is cause for great optimism.

A couple of years ago, I read and article he wrote and was encouraged back then. There was quite a bit of his writing available on the internet.
I love Archbishop Chaput! God grant him many years!

We must pray for him, and we must pray that God will send us more leaders like him!
We lived in Denver for four years, and I still miss Archbishop Chaput. He is a great servant of God.
You know what? I think there is noting wrong with homosexual adoption. One simple reason for this:

Homosexuals cannot have children unless they really want them. So for a homosexual couple to adopt, then they must actually want to have children, unlike a number of heterosexual relationships.

Homosexuals are not perverted, nor are they pedopphiles. They are people who love eachother very much, despite what the world says.

Im for homosexual adoption 👍

(although at this juncture I must make it clear that personally I am not homosexual, although I do have homosexual friends)
Way to go in Denver! Tell it like it is. And thanks to Gov. Romney up in Mass. That takes guts.
You know what? I think there is noting wrong with homosexual adoption. One simple reason for this:

Homosexuals cannot have children unless they really want them. So for a homosexual couple to adopt, then they must actually want to have children, unlike a number of heterosexual relationships.

Homosexuals are not perverted, nor are they pedopphiles. They are people who love eachother very much, despite what the world says.

Im for homosexual adoption 👍

(although at this juncture I must make it clear that personally I am not homosexual, although I do have homosexual friends)
The problem is that homosexuals, besides living in sin, cannot provide a normal and typical family life for those being adopted. It is natural for a child to have a mother AND a father, not two mothers or two fathers.
Homosexuals are not perverted, nor are they pedopphiles
The church calls it disordered.
[2357](http://javascript:OpenPopupWindow()[Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,](http://javascript:OpenPopupWindow()141[ tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.”](http://javascript:OpenPopupWindow()142[ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.](http://javascript:OpenPopupWindow()** The archbishop was standing true to Catholic teaching, as should all Catholics. This has been the standard moral teaching of Christianity for millenia. It is only in the last few decades that morality has been tried to be re-written for the benefit of those who wish te live immoral lives. Allowing adoption by homosexuals would expose these children to the lie that homosexuality is acceptable moral behavior. I will oppose it at every turn.
The problem is that homosexuals, besides living in sin, cannot provide a normal and typical family life for those being adopted. It is natural for a child to have a mother AND a father, not two mothers or two fathers.
This statement is simply not true.
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