Architects of the Culture of Death

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Architects of the Culture of Death is a book written by Donald DeMarco and Benjamin Wiker. It is interesting to me that one of the architects in Darwin. I wonder what others think about how Darwin lead to Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood? My thought is that if you reduces humans to animal you can kill them in order to improve the speices. I believe in the evolution of species within in the species with an Intelligent Creator. But I also believe that we are not apes and our ancestor were never apes.

Have many people read this book?
I’m been meaning to read the book for months after seeing it mentioned on EWTN. Thanks for the reminder.
I read this book about a year ago. It is phenomenal. I’ve always been a quick reader, but I definitely flew through this one.

As far as Darwin goes, I’m not sure what exactly he would believe without reading some primary sources. I don’t doubt that he was against marriage. That said, I doubt he favored eugenics as much as merely being aware of its inevitability.
“Benjamin Wiker”

Motivations for Continuing to Cling to Philosophy of Materialism, 1999 Paul Vitz on personal convenience; 2002 Benjamin Wiker

“I wonder what others think about how Darwin lead to Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood?”

Haeckel on murdering the disabled

Sanger: segregate the anti-social and feebleminded

1933 H.J. Muller: “Hitler is said to have studied the Baur Fischer Lenz
book [Human Heredity] very seriously, and to have been won over to

Multi-Pronged Role of Darwinian Thought in Shoah’s Arrival

“if you reduces humans to animal you can kill them in order to improve the speices.”

Hitler’s human breeding plan using selection + mutations

Haeckel and Buchner and a Darwinian a-moral climate
“I doubt he [Darwin] favored eugenics as much as merely being aware of its inevitability.”

1871 Darwin: [CD]“the civilised races of man”-- e.g. [CD]“the Caucasian”-- [CD]“will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races”-- e.g. [CD]“the negro or Australian,” as in Australian aborigine-- with the end result being [CD]“man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, than the Caucasian”

Darwin, Charles. 1871. The Descent of Man
Chapter 7 - On the Races of Man
On the Formation of the Races of Man.- In some cases
the crossing of distinct races has led to the formation of a
new race. The singular fact that the Europeans and
Hindoos, who belong to the same Aryan stock, and speak
a language fundamentally the same, differ widely in
appearance, whilst Europeans differ but little from Jews,
who belong to the Semitic stock, and speak quite another
language, has been accounted for by Broca,* through
certain Aryan branches having been largely crossed by
indigenous tribes during their wide diffusion. When two
races in close contact cross, the first result is a
heterogeneous mixture:…

Liberalism is a Sin

Theistic Revolution

…Atheism attained its grip on the West largely via the propagation and general acceptance of the Theory of Evolution, following the 1859 publication of Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species. According to Darwin, groups of organisms change over time, mainly because of natural selection, causing descendants to differ in structure and physiology from their ancestors. (In this paper, “evolution” refers to macroevolution — the development of entirely new species and functional structures, not microevolution — routine variations within species (e.g., breeds of dogs) that do not create new structures or species.) This theory provided an explanation for the origin of species that obviated the need for divine intervention, so it reduced many believers’ confidence in Christian and Jewish teachings, and tended to make God seem remote. By substituting chance and natural selection for a creating God, Evolutionism also debased all living things, including man, by re-classifying them — at least implicitly — as accidents. William Provine, professor of evolutionary biology at Cornell University, described Darwinism as “the greatest engine of atheism devised by man.” (Michael Powell, “Doubting Rationalist ‘Intelligent Design’ Proponent Phillip Johnson, and How He Came to Be,” The Washington Post (May 15, 2005), page D01)

The entire Christian worldview suddenly seemed hopelessly anachronistic. In the 1860’s, prominent churchmen such as John William Colenso, Anglican Bishop of Natal, South Africa, were inspired by The Origin of Species to reconsider the historicity of the Bible. Colenso ultimately rejected the historical truth of the Biblical creation narratives in a controversial book, The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Critically Examined, which gained much notoriety at the time.

Most theologians simply vacated the intellectual battlefield. With regularity and an air of certainty that they no longer projected about many traditional doctrines of their religion, the clergy reminded their congregations that “the Bible is not a science textbook.” Theologians treated this truism as an all-sufficient justification for the uncritical acceptance of rationalistic preconceptions (e.g., that miracles and authoritative, supernatural revelation of the truth in human language are impossible).

This set the tone for much of theology during the following century, and predisposed Christians to abandon beliefs and customs that seemed irrelevant in the modern era.

Within most of the Christian world, this secularizing trend was reinforced over time, which tended to reduce further the prominence of what was once widely accepted as “revealed truth.” For example, in 1982, theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg noted that the World Council of Churches had reorganized its structure apparently to de-emphasize potentially divisive doctrinal initiatives in favor of less controversial efforts for social justice and peace. (Richard John Neuhaus, “Pannenberg Jousts with the World Council of Churches,” Christian Century, February 17, 1982, p.174.)

davidford said:
1871 Darwin: [CD]“the civilised races of man”-- e.g. [CD]“the Caucasian”-- [CD]“will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races”-- e.g. [CD]“the negro or Australian,” as in Australian aborigine-- with the end result being [CD]“man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, than the Caucasian”

Darwin was a product of his time, and in those times there was a strong belief in the ‘white mans burden’ as being the only race fit to rule over the supersticious and tribal nations. Thus the belief is not that surprising, after all, whites had shown their superiority by ruling the world (leave aside the difference between culture and technology).
routine variations within species (e.g., breeds of dogs) that do not create new structures or species.)
Dogs are a sized based ring species. They might be defined as variations within ‘kind’ but by that definition black backed gulls and herring gulls are not different species, by the same definition, tigers and lions too, are the same species.

The ability to hybridise is predicted by ToE for closely related species because they are closely related. If you had a tortoise hybridise with a penguin…well then you would have a chimera and that would be good counter-evidence.

Specialtion itself has been observed, and regularly recreated in the lab. As for new structures, as ToE says changes are step-wise, you would not expect to see an elephant sprout wings. That would be magic and a very strong indicator that ToE was wrong.
“Darwin was a product of his time”

Frederick Engels, the
philosopher and cofounder of communism, saw
through the veil of pseudoscience in Darwin’s
history of life. He wrote the following:
"The whole Darwinist teaching of the struggle for
existence is simply a transference from society to
living nature, of Hobbes' doctrine _bellum omnium
contra omnes_ (that is, the war of all against all)
together with Malthus' theory of population.  When
this conjuror's trick has been performed, .  .  .  the
same theories are transferred back again from
organic nature into history and it is now claimed that
their validity as eternal laws of human society has
been proved.  The puerility of this procedure is so
obvious that not a word need be said about it."

Indeed too little has been said until one had the
temerity to point out again, after more than a
century, the "puerility of this procedure," after all
the harm that has been done to humanity.
Darwin in the 6th edition of Origin on [Darwin]“survival of the
fittest” and the [Darwin]“struggle for life”

Draft 2 of a chronology of Darwinian thought and the march to the Final

Haeckel was a highly-influential atheism-adherent

Multi-Pronged Role of Darwinian Thought in Shoah’s Arrival
Haeckel, Ernst. 1895. Monism: As Connecting Religion and Science: The Confession of Faith of a Man of Science, translated from the German by J. Gilchrist (London: Adam and Charles Black), 117pp. This book was based on a 9 October 1892 lecture. A PDF of the book is at
Haeckel’s atheism/ materialism is clearly evident therein.
See, e.g., 11-13, 53-54, 60, 69, 78, 80-82, 115.
On 73-4:
 ....we advance to the deeper knowledge of nature
 acquired by modern biology; here it was Darwin,
 especially, who thirty-three years ago opened our eyes by
 his doctrine of the struggle for existence, and his theory
 of selection founded upon it.  We now know that the whole
 of organic nature on our planet exists only by a relentless
 war of all against all.  Thousands of animals and plants
 must daily perish in every part of the earth, in order that a

 few chosen individuals may continue to subsist and to
 enjoy life.  But even the existence of these favoured few is
 a continual conflict with threatening dangers of every
 kind.  Thousands of hopeful germs perish uselessly every
 minute.  The raging war of interests in human society is
 only a feeble picture of the unceasing and terrible war of
 existence which reigns throughout the whole of the living
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